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Well if you had read my books there are only 3 published stories with a couple chapters in them and in this update I'm gonna try to explain the current situation why I'm not writing them.

1) Memorias/Recuerdos: well this one I still have one chapter in my drafts because I was writing this down in a little notebook I had and I lost the notebook with all the progress I had and I was halfway the chapter and the draft is still not completed, I have recently started re-writing it even tho I don't remember much of what was happening but I'm trying to keep up writing so sooner or later I can start publishing the chapters here once again. Also I was having problems with updating because it took way too much time to publish and even some chapters got deleted in the process and I had to re-write them, so yeah that's pretty much what's going on with this one.

2) Downstairs[Dylan O'Brien]: this one basically is kind of similar to the one above, I had the chapters written in my phone as drafts and I had finished a couple of chapters but my phone got a tantrum and deleted all my notes taking the chapters with it. This story is gonna come to a halt, but it doesn't mean I will leave it just like that, no, when I find inspiration to start writing that one again I will start uploading the chapters.

3) Deep in the ocean: this story is nothing like the other two, in this one I actually just upload whenever I feel like it, like I would just open the app and start writing like I don't have a pattern of this one like my other stories that I always write them down so yeah that's my excuse.

Right now I'm in a camp and I'm starting to write my other stories down so I can start uploading soon. Thank you for reading. Author-chan is out.

Plus ultra!

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