6. Gone

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A/N: Okay, so I'm not returning to this story quite yet, but I wanted to write the chapter I had outlined for ya'll and get it out there for ya'll in the meantime and this is that chapter. Thank you to everyone who has responded to this story and I hope it continues to live up to your expectations. I promise what makes this a femZero story will begin to come out as the story develops further, if you had any concerns about that. Anyway, I hope you enjoy :)

Amaya made sure to attend class that night, her seat directly next to her uneasy mate.

Neither of them spoke to one another, each of them unsure of the other though they made sure to keep their awkwardness from being revealed to the rest of their classmates, though Amaya knew that at least the Inner Circle was aware of their situation.

She paid Yagari little mind as he lectured them on the climate change though she made sure to face the board even as she thought of other things.

Like how much her mate must not trust her to leave her in the dark like this or how exactly she had been awakened after so long.

Halfway through the first class of the night her attention snapped to Kaname as he stood up from his seat and left the room abruptly- his aura tense and agitated.

The rest of the class clearly sensed his irritation and were unsurprised by his departure- he must make a habit of leaving early.

Amaya remained in her seat, merely crossing her legs at the knee and dropping her hands to her lap as the minutes ticked by.

Not ten minutes later a knock came at the door and a delicate Noble made her way into the room, her form slim and slight as she approached the teacher's desk with all the grace of a prima ballerina.

Yagari took her papers and signed them, waving her on to introduce herself.

"Hello," She said, "I am Kurenai Maria."

She cocked her head to the side as she scanned them all and Amaya could tell the lower class students grew uncomfortable as her aura swept over them, lashing out with a critical intangible hand.

The aura was far too vast to belong to a Noble and Amaya smirked softly.

A pureblood wearing the face of a Noble? How fascinating.

Amaya snapped out her own aura, her power of compulsion over the mind whipping the rest of those present to unconsciousness, leaving her with a startled possessed Noble.

She hadn't noticed me? Odd.

Maria stilled, and for a moment looked like a terrified baby deer, like the genuine owner of Shizuka's host had awakened briefly.

"Come now, Shizuka-san. Are you so weak in your host that you cannot sense when you are in the presence of another pureblood? Or perhaps you know and thought you could slip by me?"

Amaya clicked her tongue, "What do you hope to accomplish? I wonder..."

"Who are you?" The grey haired Noble asked and Amaya smiled.

"A watcher of sorts- a queen once upon a time... But you may call me Amaya."

She stood and approached the smaller vampiress, leaning in to her ear as she passed.

"I hope we can be friends, Shizuka-san."

Shizuka's host's mouth curled into a wry smile, "As do I."

Despite the easiness of their replies, distrust still hung in the air between them and Amaya once again keenly felt just how changed she was since awakening.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2019 ⏰

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