3. Bad Things

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A/N: Please Add, Vote, and Comment your questions/opinions! Enjoy :)

 Hours later found them in the Moon Dorms, her using the shower as he sent Ruka to find her suitable clothing to wear while he had Aido search some of the history books they kept in the Dorm's library of their kind's origins.

Meanwhile he worked his mind into a frenzy as he searched his scant memories of his time as an Ancestor, finding only brief moments between the two of them.

The clearest revealed a brilliant picture of them.

It was the hours after his coronation- he had worked so hard for this that he couldn't help but be pleased by it all.

His lover sat beside him in her own throne made of carved bone, her lip teased beneath her teeth as she thought hard- on what, he didn't yet know.

It didn't matter- she was to be his forever more after they went back to their rooms.

He had once waxed poetic in her ear and for the first time in a long while he wanted to do so again.

She looked spectacular beside him, her gown more western in style, taking inspiration from fairy tales that she had whispered to him so long ago after he had taken her to bed.

A long, flowing plum colored gossamer skirt, a corseted waist that drew his eyes upward to latch onto her ample breasts, the simple golden silver necklace he had once given her when he could afford no more drawing his attention.

She had never willingly taken it off and even though he had offered her more she had smiled and kissed him.

"This necklace means so much to me, Kaname. Even more so because it was from a time when we could not afford much of anything. I do not require more than this."

Her words had brought him such satisfaction that he felt near helpless to not be able to gift her even a piece of it.

She had seen it in him, kissing him in the way she always did- like she cherished him.

But tonight her eyes were glazed and she barely moved, barely glanced at him.

Did she think to refuse their bond?

As if sensing his unease she turned her gaze over to him, reaching out to rub small circles across the back of his hand.

"What troubles you?" He asked her and she sighed.

"I... something seems off tonight. I cannot pen down as to why."

She breathed slowly and he took it as sign to draw her away from the dying festivities to their bed chamber within the palace lower level vampires had built for them.

With barely a glance he sent his friend to close it all down, guiding Amaya through the halls.

He threw open the doors to their rooms himself and he drew her to the bedside, kissing her deeply, searching her mouth for her familiar taste.

She laughed when he pulled back and he took pleasure in knowing that he had brought her happiness once again.

She turned around and bid him to help her undress and he took his time, untying her while nipping at her shoulders, his fingers dancing along her warm skin until her dress slid to the floor leaving her bare before him.

She kissed him then and he let her take as much control as she wanted, barely noticing as her hands kept busy till he stood bare as well.

He pulled back and bid her to fall against the bed, his hands sliding up her legs to her hips to her breasts where he knelt by a knee to lick and tease until she urged him further.

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