Orange lilies

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Running through the playground was fun. The best part of every school day. I could just run around the field behind my school or swing from the monkey bars. Today was no different. Every other kid was playing a silly made up game, something boring. So instead I ran along the fence looking for adventure. There were tall trees on the other side so I couldn't see very far. I could imagine though. If you squinted you could almost see a fairy flying around the trees. She would weave around the branches and twist in the sun. I followed her around the forest when something prettier caught my eye. At the base of a tall tree there was a little patch of flowers. They looked kinda like the sun. Big and bright, reaching out to everyone. My mom told be about flowers once.

I had asked why the roses on the shelf never died. She had sat me down and explained how "your dad bought them for me on our first date, they never die as long as we love each other." She told me that smart people grew special flowers that told people about their love. She said there was a flower for hate, love, friendship, and family. It was so cool.

The flowers on the other side of the fence were so friendly I was sure they had to be friendship flowers. They even looked happy. I could give one to Emma, if only I could reach it. Sticking my hand through the fence hurt a little, but it was worth it when I managed to grab onto the stem of one of the prettiest flowers. I was very careful pulling it back and had to make sure it didn't break. Twirling it around it my fingers, I stood up. The playground was pretty far away so I had to run to find Emma. She was my best friend, she was nice and smart. Even our moms were friends too. Her bright blonde pigtails with red ribbons were hard to miss.
"Hey Emma!" I called out as I got closer. She turned around and looked up from the sand castle she was making.
"Hey Sarah," Her eyes widened at the flower.
"I found this for you, I think it's the friendship flower!" I said, not containing my excitement. She smiled as I handed it to her. Much to my surprise, it started dying. No. She was my best friend, it couldn't be dying. I ran away. I left her with her stupid dead flower.

On my way to the bus, she came up to me and tried to say that it started blooming again.
"It must've been a broken one," she started. I didn't look as I climbed up the bus steps. Friends were supposed to tell the truth. Wanting my mom, I stared out the window as the trees went by. After forever, the bus stopped and leapt off. My mom was waiting there for me. I raced into a hug.
"Mom, something bad happened," I started. She squatted down and looked me in the eyes, then brushed my hair out of my face.
"What is it sweetheart?" She asked and I rushed to tell her. I told her how mean Emma was and how the flower died. She nodded along to my story and wiped at my tears when I trailed off into blubbering.
"Honey, I didn't tell you this at first but the friendship flower is yellow. They don't grow here either," Her voice was soothing but I couldn't help but feel stupid. "How about we get home and I'll call up Emma's mom?" I nodded and I skipped back home, ready to apologize.

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