"Wow" both my friends exhaled.

I narrow my eyes at them, making them raise their brow at me.

"What"? I asked.

"Before anything else, why you staring at us like that "? Jazz asked.

"Why shouldn't I "? Y'all are syncing your words and even your brows ,it's scary "! I huffed.

They exchanged looks and cackled like maniacs earning another embarrassing look from people around.

"Girls !!"! I whisper yelled.

"Yeah " They whispered back frantically.

"Why are you whispering"? I asked confusedly.

"You started it ,Afrah " Halima hissed.

I rolled my eyes "You guys were getting us looks "

"Why shouldn't we"? You just told us a fairytale" Jasmine replied with a grin.

"Um excuse me, I just told you about my boss, nothing else" I angrily said.

"Oh look, she's blushing "Halima said, making them cackle out again.

"Not funny girls" I wanted to say but then an idea popped into my head.

"Jazz" I said sweetly.

"Yes " she replied with an innocent, confused look.

"You didn't finish your story about the guy you met " I told her batting my lashes innocently.

She choked and started stuttering "I-it-s g-irl-s.

This time it was my turn to laugh which I did for a good ten minutes even though I wasn't timing myself, I ended up falling on the floor laughing .

I saw a mom cover her son's eyes from my peripheral vision, probably thinks I'm high on drugs.

I stood up, dusting my hands and coming face to face with a blue eyed monster who was staring at me with curiosity and amusement?

I looked at the girls who were grinning from ear to ear and whispering, I rolled my eyes probably gossiping about what shoe to wear to my wedding.

Sometimes, I question my friendship with them.

"Miss Afrah, I can see you having a good day off " Blue eyed monster said.

"Um, Sir I -um y-es " I stuttered out embarrassed.

"Way to go, stupid" ! Inner me spoke out.

I heard giggling and turned to the direction, noticing the girls trying hard to contain their laughter.

"Thanks, friends " I muttered.

"Well, see you at work on Monday " He said jogging off with a huge guy behind him.

I sighed and put my hands on my waist, trying to give the girls intimidating looks.

"What "? They oh so asked.

"Cmon, let's go but then Jazz ,you really didn't say anything about mystery guy ".

"His name is Adam, besides I might not even see him again so let's go " She replied.

I looked at her and decided if this is the time that one of my best friend falls in love, I'll do anything to get her "Adam".

We got into the car and zoomed off bickering between each other, forgetting about blue eyed guys and crushes.

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