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I stood at the bottom of the slope at the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang, waiting for my boyfriend, Mark McMorris to drop in. Me and his older brother, Craig stood anxiously as we saw Mark at the top of the slope.
"Let's go sparky!" Craig yelled as mark started going down the hill.
He went down the first set of ramps just fine. I signed in relief, but panicked when he went up the first hill. I held my breath as he did a frontside triple cork 1440. He added it perfectly.
"Yes!!!" Me and everyone in the crowd yelled.
Mark went up to the second hill, and did a cab double cork 1440. He almost hit the ground, but recovered. The crowd started cheering as he stopped at the bottom of the course.
He took off his snowboard, and waited for his score. After about 2 minutes, whiched seemed like forever, Mark's New score put him up in third place.
Everyone cheered as he went over to the other snowboarders that where competing.
After two people, the event was over. Mark got third, my best friend Max parrot got second, and a 17 year old American got third.
As mark stood on the podium, me and Craig cheered for him. As the national anthem for the American went on, I looked at Mark and started crying tears of joy. After the anthem was over, I ran up to Mark and hugged him.
"Why are you crying baby?" Mark asked as he kissed your what.
"I'm so proud of you sparky! Not even a year ago, we didn't know if you're going to live. Now here we are! You have a bronze medal, and a proud girlfriend and family!" I said proudly.
"Don't worry about that anymore baby. I am here now and proud of it. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you and my family." He said as he stared into my eyes.
I just smiled as he leaned in and kissed my freezing lips.
"I loge you more than snowbaording!" He said.
"Alright love birds! We have a party to get to!" Craig said as he dragged us to the Olympic village to party.

Mark McMorris imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now