Old Neighbor Enimies and Dinner Date

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The next day, my mom was taking out the trash when Marley's mom went up to my mom

Well, well, well. I see your little clone dorky girl received a gift.
Her mom said

What do you want MacKenzie!?
My mom said rolling her eyes

Oh jeez, I don't know. Maybe that your little clone got a gift from your mom
She said

Well what do you expect? She's her grandmother!
My mom said

Yeah also she posted it online to see what a dork she is. Also unlike the cheap and dirty crap you give to your daughter, I get mine what she wants ever since she was born and same with my other kids too.
She said

Yeah. I know. You have a spoiled little bratty girl. I'm not surprised that you spoil her
My mom said

Marley's mom then got hostile

Listen Nikki Maxwell.....
My mom then cut her off

It's Nikki Roberts! I'm married to Brandon! Remember?! So get it right MacKenzie Hollister!
My mom said

Ugh! Can't believe he married you! I don't know how he puts up with you! Also, I'm married to my man Patrick and we are very luxurious and I'm MacKenzie Clark!
She said to my mom

Brandon loves me very much and he's very happy that we got married so there!
My mom said showing her the ring

Your daughter better stay out of her way and she's always been near my girl! So tell her to stay away from her!
She said

Your threats won't work anymore MacKenzie
My mom said

Just tell her to stay out of her way and YOU stay out of MY way!
Marley's mom said

She then sashays away

God I hate it when she sashays!
My mom said

Later that day, I was at school and my crush Ricky Davenport came up to me

Hi Nina
Ricky said

H-Hi Ricky
I said to him

My dad has asked your mom and dad to have dinner with all of us together. You, me, my parents and yours. It will be a blast
Ricky said

OMG!! I'm going to have dinner with Ricky, even our families are going to join us. I can do my snoopy dance.

It sure will. I'm looking forward to it
I said to it.
I said to him

Great! It's this weekend! Can't wait
He said

Looking forward to it
I said to him

I was very happy as I danced through the hallway

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