Confronting Mom about Grandma Maxwell

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I went to my locker and....oh jeez! Marley was there with Jillian! Both laughing. Ugh!

I'm so embarrassed that I don't even want to write!

Hey dork! I see your grandma gives you gifts that would totally fit you! Loser!
Marley sneered

She then sashayed away

I hate it when she sashays

When I got home, I had to talk to my mom but my dad was there

Hi how was school
My dad asked

Not good Dad! Mom! I got to talk to you!
I was mad

What's wrong?
My mom asked me

My dad had a concerned look on his face

Why did you have grandma give me that bag!?
I said to her

My mom came up to me

I'm sorry but I didn't want to hurt her feelings. I felt the same way when I was about your age and when I told her stuff about it she was hurt badly
My mom said

She was?
I said

Yeah. But you can use it for your make up, that is if your dad let's you. Is it ok Brandon?
My mom said

Nikki, I have no objection to Nina wearing make up
My dad said

Yeah and also Marley Clark took a picture of me with the backpack
I said

My mom put her hand on her face

Her mom did the same thing with me after your grandmother gave me something when I was in Middle School.
My mom said

Later that evening, was sitting by the pool when I heard Marley talking to her mom. I peeked through the hole of the fence and I see Marley showing her phone to her mom. Her mom laughed

Oh dear! That dork got a toddler bag from her grandma?!
Her mom said

Yeah she did. She's a dork!
Marley said

I know she is
Her mom said

I just walked away from the fence after. I was so mad I could punch a wall

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