Part 31

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We were in the car, driving to Lord knows where. I looked at Bella, who had her headphones in, listening to music.

I had my headphones in too, and I was listening to My Love by Sia, Bella's favorite song. It's kind of depressing, but that describes Bella perfectly. Not to be rude or anything, but it does, and she would agree.

I looked in front of me, at Charlie. He wasn't doing anything important, just driving. He was obviously thinking about something though because his expression was distant. It really bothered me.

I looked out the window to think about some things of my own. A lot had gone on in my life, and I knew that. But the things that Edward had said to me earlier was really bothering me. "Vampires are killers, Alissa. It's unsafe and unhealthy to like killers and vampires. So why do you?"

Of course, he understood why I liked him, even before I really told him. He'd said that he did. So why did he look and seem so surprised that I liked him? And he turned so many humans down when they asked him out. Well, that part wasn't surprising. But I knew for a fact that he wasn't surprised.

I'd realized that I hadn't talked to Jacob in a while. He was probably wondering where I was. We normally talked every day. I would tell him my problems and he would help me solve them. We were normally a team. Where did he go? Where did I go? Were we drifting apart? I didn't want to be.

I'd realized that all the friends I'd met and talked to at the start of my stay, they weren't really my friends anymore. Well, Jessica, Angela, Mike and Eric were, but we weren't as good friends as we used to be. I didn't really like it. But if I wanted to stay really close to Edward, I'd have to make some sacrifices.

Wait. Did that mean I was going to have to sacrifice my human life? We wouldn't last long if he was a vampire and I was a human. And he couldn't change back into a human. I'd have to take matters into my own hands.

And if I did, what would that mean for all of my other relationships? Jacob? Charlie? Mike? Mom? Eric? Jessica? Angela?


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