Chapter 31 || You Are No Princess

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"Ferbius," I sought out his eyes as I had done time and time again, this month alone. However, this time was different. I needed more than simple consul from him. I need to know the truth. I need to know why Travis and the others haven't left even after we secured the kingdom. 

"I know," He sighed heavily, before joining me at the table. "Do you recall stories of the seven?" I nodded. How could I forget about the seven sworn to protect the Kingdom of Harendall? They were all I could think about as a young child. "Well, one of the seven was named Sir Ashten McNeil. He was the finest in all of Harendall, but there was one thing no one had expected. The daughter of King Roshka of Harendall. She was of great beauty, heart, and brains. It wasn't long before the two were inseparable. King Roshka was firmly against the pairing, but that didn't matter when the revolution occurred. Prince Khasa asked Sir Ashten to take the Princess far away to keep her safe and he did. Sir Ashten and the Princess were soon wed. Hidden under the knight's name, any traces of the truth were wiped away. The two lived out their remaining years in a quaint home outside of Irales, where they raised their daughter. You, my dear, are the last surviving heir of the Harendall people."

"You would have me believe I am a Princess?" I can't help the look of disbelief.  

"No, Ember. You are no princess. You, my dear, are a Queen. And your people need you." I wanted to laugh and tell him what a great story, but I saw the truth clear in his eyes. Every word of absurdity was true. 

Before I could think on it any longer, Davis barged into the small room we were occupying. I saw his wandering eyes take in my appearance. "Ember, it's time," he smiled maddingly. Before exciting just as fast as he entered. 

My mind was all over the place, but Ferbius stood and placed my arm on his. I tried to push the thoughts out of my head as I thought about what was to come but I couldn't the story of my parents was so real to me. As though I had heard it before long ago. The stories my father told me I thought were simply fantasy were true. He was telling me their life. 

"Hush now. One adventure at a time," Ferbius whispered to me. 

But I simply laughed, "Ferbius, you know there isn't such a thing." I heard light music playing as the doors opened, I felt my stomach drop as swarms of smiling faces turned to look at me. Their eyes were too wide and I saw too much of their teeth. Every one of them. I couldn't possibly know of this many people. Who are they?  I have gone into battle, dealt with a crazed woman, gone into enemy ground unarmed, fought thugs, drugged a prince, had a showdown with a king and yet none of that was more terrifying than this moment. Ferbius grasped my hand as we continued down the rows of unknown faces. My eyes tried to seek out the reason for being here. I hoped that would calm my nerves, but he was hidden from my view. 

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"Davis, what is this? I said small ceremony. You invite everyone in the Kingdom!"

"I had too. Everyone is excited to meet her, and see you two. They need happy news after everything that has happened."

"Do you know how hard it was to get her to agree to even do this? Zounds, she's not going to like this," I sighed racking my hands through my hair. 

Soon, Davis, Conrad, James and I are standing at attention waiting for Ember to make her entrance. Davis pats down on my shoulder and I realize I have been fiddling with fingers. Not King like at all. "It will be fine. She's on her way." I'm contemplating getting her myself. When the whole audience stands. The back of their heads are to me as the doors open and she walks in. I see how excited the people are, but I can't see her. I see their smiles and the happiness, but Ember is lost to me. I try to move a little to the side while still trying to keep up appearances, however, it was no use. I wanted to keep up the traditions, but not seeing her was making me anxious, so I took a step forward, then another, and another. Until I was walking up the silk lined floor to her. 

I saw her, and it was like I couldn't breathe or move much closer. She was radiant. Her soft brown locks cascading off her shoulders dark against the glowing white of her tunic, which seems to be clinging in all the right places. But that's when I notice her hands clinging to Ferbius and her skin taking on a light sheen. Her eyes find mine and suddenly I can move again. Swiftly taking her free hand into mine. "I'm here, my little spark," I lean down and whisper into her ear. 

"Yeah, great, Princey, cause I think we should go," she breathed. 

"Come on, love, we've made it through worse. Now, walk forward before, I carry you to the altar," I threaten jokingly.

"I'm walking but not because you said anything but because this dress is itchy and it's the only thing that will stop this lot from watching me." At last, we made it to the altar. Ferbius placed a small kiss on Ember's hand before standing to join the rest. The ceremony was almost over. I'm looking at my wife when the Bishop says, "Do you, Lady Ember McNeil of Irales, take unto thyself King Luca of Irales-". 

"No, wait," Ember spoke up, and I felt sick. I shouldn't have pushed her. She doesn't want to get married. What was I thinking, but before my mind could continue to worry, I saw a small smirk forming on her lips and the look of excitement playing in her eyes. "I, Queen Ember McNeil of Harendall take onto myself, King Luca of Irales." Of course, she's a Queen and of Harendall no doubt.  I can't help the smile that spreads across my face at the news. The people gasp and Davis laughs. I hear a deep holler from somewhere and don't even have to look to know it's Travis. I nod at the Bishop, who for some reason is looking to me for confirmation. 

"Right, so... Queen Ember McNeil of Harendall do you pledge unto him before God and these witnesses to be his protector, defender and sure resort, to honor and sustain him, in sickness and in health, in fair and in foul, with all thy worldly powers, to cherish and forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?" I saw the small smile on her face widen as she squeezed gently on my hand intertwined with hers. 

Her eyes seemed to lock on mine, before she said proudly, "I will." And I wanted to take her into my arms right then because nothing could match the beauty of my wife right at this moment as I realized all of this was really happening. Ember, the women who amazed, intrigued, and irritated me to no end, is the women I want to spend the rest of my life loving, protecting, fighting for and with, and ruling beside for the rest of my life. The "I will" slipped out of my mouth before the Bishop couldn't even finish the vow much to the delight of the audience, but all that mattered was the blush that spread across Ember's face as her happiness radiated off of her. 

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Hey, fellow Bookworms! 

This is the official last part of The Prince's Escape! Big shout out to all who stuck with this book through the inconsistent updates, the crazy overhaul of edits and changes, and when I just couldn't figure out where this book was going. Honestly, this story spun from two words, "stable girl", and now it's done! If you are someone who has a book in your head, write it down. The only way to become better at your craft is to not stop working at it. 

Love you all!


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