Chapter 8 || Share Your Weight

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She wiped my clean face with dirt! She called me arrogant and then left! I can't believe she did that! She is too impulsive for her own good. I'm shocked yesterday was the first I have heard of her, and how? Surely, a guard or a passerby would have taken offensive from her simply talking. I want nothing more to be filled with anger at the one who poisoned me and yelled at me only mere hours ago, but I can't. Despite everything, I am still very much intrigued by Ember McNeil. Remembering how fiercely she held my hand in hers. The way she fought with me to hold on. The way she simply cared. Leaving it at just that it was enough for me to forget all else, but I remember myself and stop. I try to focus instead on my anger once again, and it isn't hard after the way she left my chambers. "My arrogance, really? That insolent-" I begin my rant, but Davis speaks up.

"Do you hear yourself?" he questions. What did I say that was wrong? Is he agreeing with her? What the hell did these two talk about in my absence? "We", he motions to between us and then towards the door, where I know Ember is waiting behind, "Don't say insolent," he adds, raising his thick brow at me. 

I attempt to throw my arms up in frustration, but it turns into a sad display of limbs. If Ember were here she would have given me some crack about it. "I have no idea how this is going to work," I admit, my eyes wandering back to my door. "Perhaps, I should just stay with you. Where do you live?" Davis's eyes became wide as he began shaking his head no.

"That would be a very bad idea! Not only can my parents not keep a secret to save there lives, but I'm the one that is supposed to covering you here, remember," he points out. 

I groan in irritation as I am forced to come to terms with the fact that my quarters for the next few days lay in the hands of the girl, who hates me. For all, I know it could be the firey pits of hell. "I'm hating this plan more and more."

"It was your idea to escape, and rightfully so. A lot of things are changing around you, and you need this time to think, so use it. It may be the only time you get. When you come back be ready to be the King you were meant to be. I'll make sure the castle doesn't fall without you," Davis grins. 

"Thank you, my friend," I sigh.

"Come on, I'll get you to the door." Davis takes my arm, so I can lean on him. Hobbling our way across the floor. Once we're at the door, I open it, seeing the soft brown locks of Ember. She turns to us, and her face instantly settles into a scowl. 

"Your hood," she hisses at us. "Or do you want to blow the whole thing?" Davis quickly places the hood over my head, as I make a  move to stand on my own. Resting most of my weight on to threshold. The last thing I want at this moment is to appear weak in front of her. But still, she maneuvers herself so that I can lean on her in a similar fashion to the way I was leaning on Davis seconds ago.

"I'll be fine," I decline her offer quickly, and see the doubt in her eyes, but she shrugs. Before I move to go with Ember, Davis shakes my hand as if saying good luck. I nod sharply turning to my guide. "After you," I motion to her, and she just rolls her eyes. 

Davis chuckles, before closing the door, and I hear him say, "Those two are going to kill each other." Ember starts moving rather fast to the nearest wall, checking to make sure it's clear. Then, she turns to see me, hobbling to the wall beside her. 

"You can't go any faster?" She asks, obviously trying to get on my nerves from not accepting her help because of my pride.

"If I couldn't don't you think I would," I whisper back, not bothering to hide my irritation. 

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