Chapter 3 - Monstrous Behavior

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The cool rush of hunger pushes through my veins as I trace my victims jaw line with several kisses, traveling up to his lips. Dr. Kendrick told me everything I needed to know about myself, so now I just have to embrace who I am; starting with victim number one. Being a soul eater isn't so bad after all. It's actually something I can be proud of. Though, killing a human isn't something I can be proud of, but it's in my nature. I later found out that my biological mother was killed by an unknown creature. My father, on the other hand is out there, and I most likely will never see him.

My victim interrupts my thoughts by forcefully pushing me against him. He groans in pain as I hungrily dig my nails into his back, almost breaking skin. 

"Sorry." I whisper against his lips. Apologizing before my kill was something I always will do. It makes me feel better about myself, even though my monstrous behavior out shines my personality.

I open my mouth against his, and wait for an amazing feeling to rush over me. The victim smiles. Slowly, a red mist slips into my mouth. The taste dances onto my taste buds. Traveling down my throat, and satisfying my hunger. The man sits still as I feed. As his body runs still, he doesn't have a clue in the world what I'm doing to him. He fights for a way out. At the last moment, he tries to push me off of him, but is way to weak and dead already to do anything. I finish with my feeding, and his body runs still. His grip loosens and what's done is done. A monster created in minutes. 

Licking my lips, I take a look at the man laying on the ground, waiting for him to turn to dust as the article said. But the man lays there, breathless. He was so  beautiful, but dead. I don't know if living like this was something I wanted to continue, but I have to survive right? Survival of the fittest applies to myself now.

A clean up crew made their way through my apartment, and took about 5 minutes to make things new. I don't support the clean up crew system, but how else will I dispose my kill? They were all I had to assure myself that I wouldn't get caught for killing. 

The next week I started to get out of control with my feeding. I was placed in Dr. Kendrick's basement as a prisoner to keep me from my sloppy killing. He said it was to keep the city safe from me. Like I'm the only one who can do this. Five new bodies were found in the ally way by the Chinese store in one week. There were many others like me who could have done this, but considering I'm new to this life it's obvious I would do something like that. 

I met other Soul Eaters like myself in a place called Sanctuary the next month I got out of Dr. Kendrick's basement. It's a place where all the Soul Eater's can go and be themselves. Where we can all hang out with no human present. 

"Glad you're finally out." Dr. Kendrick says and pats me on the back as I sit on the couch in the Sanctuary.

"I'm glad you let me out." I chuckle. My new friend, Kayla also laughs beside me.

Kayla is one the oldest, strongest, and fastest Soul Eater alive to this day. 

"Ahem." Kayla pretends to clear her throat to catch my attention. I met her when she was helping Dr. Kendrick with me in his basement. She was the one who gave me my tranquilizer whenever I gave one of my fits.  

"Oh, and Kayla. Thank you so much - " I say, wrapping my arms around her, " for dealing with me." 

She smiles, and returns a hug. "You're welcome, dear. And hey. Don't slip up like that again."

"It wont. It was a mistake." 

"I know." She rubs my back, letting me know I'm forgiven.

Dr. Kendrick leaves Kayla and I sitting on the couch, and returns with a book the size of a telephone booklet. 

"Woah, Doc." I laugh.

He chuckles and sits down in front of Kayla and I on the other couch. He sits the booklet onto the coffee table. 

"This is everything you need to know. The rules. How to's, etc."

"You expect me to read all that?" 

"No. I expect you to study it. Look at it for me."

I sigh, and grab the book off of the coffee table, feeling my arm weigh down. 

"You're kidding." I say smugly. I open up the front cover.

He stares at me with a straight face, and shifts his eyes to Kayla for some support.

"Oh." Kayla says. "I had that same booklet. Trust me, It's a life saver. Literally."

"How is a book going to save my life? What is it going to do? Paper cut someone?"

Kayla lets out a giggle.

"Let's be serious now. Only the best of Soul Eaters in history have that book. Only the smartest, and intelligent of Soul Eaters have this. If I didn't think you were able to handle this, then I wouldn't have given it to you." Dr. Kendrick frustratingly rubs his temples

"Dr. Kendrick - "

"Please, Call me Chadrach."

"Can I call you Chad?"

"No. I very much don't like that nickname. Just read it, Elizabeth." 

"Oh, so we're going by full names now." I set the book back down, "Okay, fine. I'll read it. Only if - "

He lifts an eyebrow

"Only if I can call you Chad." I giggle like a little girl.

Kayla, beside me, groans in irritation. "Y'all are fighting like a married couple. Beth will read the book." She says to Chad. 

"Okay. Fine." I lift my hands up, surrendering from the argument. "I'll read the book." 

He stands from the couch, "I have to go back to the hospital. I will see you both later." 

"Later. Chad." I hesitantly say, as he walks off. Kayla laughs her high pitch laugh.

He turns around, and hisses. His eyes turning a blood red color. "Don't push it." 

I jump back into my seat, and laugh. "Woah. How'd you do that!" 

He chuckles under his breath and shakes his head, leaving me full with questions.

I turn to Kayla, and she just rolls her eyes. "Can you do that?" I say in amazement.

"Man." She sighs heavily, "You have a lot to learn."

I grab the book off of the coffee table, and follow Kayla out the door. 

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