Dress Shopping - 1940s J.B.B.

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Just in case it's unclear, the pictures of the dresses will be put before the dress mentioned in the text.

And, just so you're not lost on what they're saying, use this to help yourself out. :)

Chrome-dome - bald
Dame - a woman
Dish - attractive, good-looking
Doll - an affectionate name for a woman
Dreamboat - an attractive person
Gorilla - a bully
Ritzy - elegant
Spiffy - elegant in appearance, to look the best
Spook - frighten, scare

Walking down the street to your favorite dress shop, you can't help but relish in the wonderful day. The sky is clear of clouds, the sun is out, it's just the right temperature and you've saved up just enough money to buy this dress you've been dying to get for weeks now.

You continue along the sidewalks of the busy streets of Brooklyn, sending greetings and smiles to passing strangers as you go. Soon, you reach the corner of the dress shop. You can feel yourself get giddier at every step that brings you closer to it. You turn the corner and see a man leaning up against the dress shop wall, just beside the entrance. His hat is tipped low and he looks kind of in bad shape but you're not one to judge too quickly so you offer him a smile and a polite, "Hello," which he doesn't return. Passing him, you reach out to grab the door when he suddenly lunges at you and grabs your purse, ripping it out of your hands and taking off down the street.

"Hey! Hey, wait!" you scream at him.

He keeps running and your heart sinks. Suddenly, a man with piercing blue eyes and dark, slicked-back hair rushes up to you and puts a gentle hand on your arm, looking worried. He obviously heard your distressed yelling.

"That man stole my purse!" you yell frantically as you point to the perpetrator.

The man looks at the purse snatcher quickly getting smaller as he runs further away and immediately takes off after him. The thief turns into an alleyway and the dark-haired man that came up to you goes in after him. There's silence for a second. For that second, you're worried the nice man won't come back. You don't want him to get hurt, especially while saving something as silly as a random girl's purse.

You decide to go look for him. This probably isn't the smartest decision but you decide to go anyway. However, as soon as you start to jog over there, the man with the dark, slicked-back hair emerges from the alley with your small purse in-hand. He jogs back to you with a slight smile on his face as you sigh in relief.

When he returns to you, he hands you your purse and you take it gratefully.

"Here you go, Ma'am."

"Oh my! For a second there I thought I wasn't gonna get to go dress shopping." He just smiles.

"What can I do to repay you?" The man immediately shakes his head.

"That isn't necessary, Ma'am. I was just doing what needed to be done," he says, giving you a smile. This man is quite the gentleman.

"Oh no. Please, I insist. I have to pay you back some way." He thinks for a moment before answering.

"Well, you could tell me your name and allow me to accompany you to the dress shop." He motions at the dress shop entrance just to the right of you and you smile sweetly at his offer.

"Ok. I'm Y/n Y/l/n. And to whom do I owe a thank you?"

"You can call me Bucky."

"Well, Bucky, I can't express to you how grateful I am that you risked yourself to save my purse. I'd say thank you but that just doesn't seem like it would be enough."

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