chapter 1

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The word possession is a word of ownership unlike the word freedom, This means to be controlled or more like their property.

Possession to you could be like a phone or a toy, making it your property your own possession that no one else can have unless they steal it. You cherish it because it's yours. you don't give it to anyone and you keep it to yourself. It could be worth loads of money or it could be worth nothing to anyone except you. It's where you give your best friend or favorite family member your favorite thing before you pass away.

But let's flip the page and say what if your the one being sold. Let's say you were captured and you couldn't escape, making you someones possession after they sold you off. Someones object where you have to follow every rule so that you don't get punished or beaten. They would say you owe them something when in reality you don't owe them anything at all your pretty much a token in their game like a never ending game of monopoly or life. You owe them nothing but you have no say to it because they captured you and now you theirs forever, like a plastic token in a pile of gold coins. We are their pray that they hunt for instead of moose or deer. No they hunt for werewolves.

Now most people around the world in the 20th century would laugh and say that we're not real just a thought of our imagination. But if they came to the 30th century they would know that we are actually real. They found out about us in WWIII when the earth was at it's peak of destruction. Now the world is like it's olden days with kingdoms everywhere full of kings, Queens all that type of stuff. Now they still have some modern things like phones and air conditioning but only for the wealthiest.

The way they remind us wolves of who we are and what we are to them we have to wear collars around our neck signifying our ownership and leader. They think that they can control us which they do just not fully because we are just waiting to let our wild beast side out. They take us out to be their protector but to also show us off to the less wealthy like a title.

We are the Soul Guards Owned by our other halves to protect them at all costs even if they are ruthless or mean.

I am owned by a idiot prince/boy who thinks can control me well we will see about that in a matter of time.


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