Chapter 5

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The king was screaming profanities at absolutly nothing while the queen fell to her knees sobbing and begging her younger son to get out of the cage and away from me. The Younger prince made no move to get away and listen to his parents, he was in deep thought as if something intrigued him. By the look on his face the thought that was bugging him was clear really clear, practically the though was 'why didn't she kill me, why did she heal me instead'

I hadn't noticed that I had begun purring when he was petting me. Hell, I didn't even know we could purr it makes me sound like a.... like a cat. Those sly creatures that can get away with anything. Everyone in the room seemed to be staring at me for the sound I was making that it actually scared me alittle. I mean imagine a bunch of people lets say um.... 20 yes 20 people were staring at you wide eyed and not moving at all, just staring, It's creepy let me tell you.

The boy didn't move though even when I rested my head on his lap he kept still petting me and starring off into space. It was as if he also had an untold story that he wanted to tell but seemed to be forbidden. Unlike the rest his eyes held pure kindness, no evil whatsoever. Unlike the rest I wouldn't hurt him not even if he was blamed for something I wouldn't hurt him. I rather felt protective of the younger prince I could see some of myself in him.

I finally I zoned realizing that the king was still yelling at the younger prince to get out. The queen still on her knees calmed down but begged her son to get out of the cage. And the so called Master, well let's just say he didn't care, he just stayed laying down on his bed typing away on his phone not caring about a single thing in the world, not even for his brother who could have possibly be killed.

Though the boy stayed he didn't move just kept petting me not minding anything his parents said, he just stared at me with what seems like many thoughts in his brain. He was someone so innocent i wonder what he was doing in this cruel world, why his god had placed him in this cruel world full of problems. 

I finally came to a decision that whatever happened in the future I would always protect this boy, even if it was from his own parents there was nothing that would stop me, this given connection was something that I don't want to let go no matter what. Looking over at 'master' I notice he's finally looking over at us, eyes on where I had bitten his brother... 

Finally hearing the younger prince speak up I was amazed at the decision in his voice, "Xavior... give her to me, I will do whatever you want for this she-wolf" his voice was soft but strong at the same time as if one word from him could enchant but also break a person.

"No Mazin, I have chosen Artemis and that is final, go and find your own wolf or even better, get away from her and get lost." The hatred in the princes voice could be heard

Raising up, I stood infront of the younger prince Mazin.... head bowed slightly growling towards the older prince, hackles raised, teeth bared, claws gripping the wooden floor. I knew I wouldn't be able to get out of here but I would protect Mazin from in here. Feeling a soft touch i looked back relaxing at the sight of Mazin, he was truly something else.

"Xavior dear, I believe you should agree to your brothers offer i mean look at her, she's already protective of him, give her to him for a month maybe she will become friendlier towards us towards Humans other than him." the queen softly spoke towards Xavior

"If you don't agree i will command it, we will see the results in a month if they are the same she will stay with Mazin if not then she will stay as your brothers!" the king spoke out 

Grunting the prince finally agree'd, glaring at his younger brother angered by the fact that he had lost. Standing up the younger prince walked to the door of the cage calling me over by the Xavior had given me. Staying in my spot I didn't move, Mazin repeatedly tried over and over again until the name Athena slipped from his mouth, walking forward i stood next to him. this was my only rule, to be called Athena.

opening the gate the prince walked out with me at his heals, only for.......


hey peeps 

sorry it took so long been busy 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2016 ⏰

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