Chapter 2:The Pervert/Blaze

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Lucas' POV

We drove up a driveway that led up to the mansion in the snowy woods. Me and Metsu jumped out of the back, only to come face to face with Astro. Metsu held her hands up and said," Lucas did tell you we couldn't guarantee that...". Jade and Carley came around and Jade had her black backpack on one arm and Carley's teal bag on the other. "Come on! I wanna see your house!", Carly started jumping up and down in excitement. Bambino and Zy started doing the same as their older sister. "Okay, but I warn you my twin brother can be quite the-" Jade cut me off and said," Pervert?". I nodded, she turned around mumbled a "great...". Me, Astro, and Metsu all grabbed our stuff and I walked ahead of them with Phoenix. "Now, the same rules at the zoo also applies here, no going into a room besides your own, wear long clothes, I looked at Jade as she looked at her own attire. Bomber jacket, white shirt, jean shorts, and black combat boots. " Welp Jade, you're screwed", Jade started walking a bit faster until she was beside Astro. "That's not really going to help Jade.". Jade then talked back,"At least they'll be witnesses...". We all walked up to the door. I kicked the door open, surprising the rest and yelled," I'M BACK YA SHITS!" We walked inside and I told the rest to sit on the couch with their stuff. Phoenix just went up into his room. I heard someone sprinting down the stairs. I knew who it was straight away. Blaze appears flirting and flustering Jade. I sat down next to Astro and yelled," BLAZE STOP FLIRTING WITH THE GUESTS!" Jade sat next to Metsu and Bambino sat next to Jade. "I thought you brought them to stay with us." "I did These are my friends and significant other whom I live with back in Ireland. The one you were flirting with is Jade." The brunette with the cowlick waved. "This is my other roommate, Metsu. Blaze don't even try." "This one is my significant other, Astro so, back off.," I said hugging Astro. "The smaller brunette is Carley.". "The other small auburn hair is Bambino, and the brown-haired boy is Zy." Carley yelled," HI MISTER BLAZE!". Blaze got to Carley's height. "Hey kid is your mom single?", he said pointing over to Jade. Bambino leaned in front of Jade and said,"Single as she'll ever be!". Bambino and Zy high fived as Jade slowly turning into a tomato. Jade glomped onto Bambino and covered her mouth while awkwardly laughing," Haha! Ignore this one!". Blaze started chuckling pointing to Jade, " I like this one she's feisty and awkward". Astro put their hand out in front of Jade and said," Leave my daughter aLoNe!". Jade grabs Bambino and Carley and asks me," So where do these two sleep?". I got up and lead the five into a guest room. "This is the only guest room in this house and it can fit four people". Jade nudged Carly and Bambino in and said," These three can stay here". I said," Metsu rooms with Carley, Bambino, and Zy so they won't wreck the place." "Astro is in my room and Jade I'm sorry but, since PHOENIX is on his MAN PERIOD. You unfortunately have to stay with Blaze.", I continued. "Now would you look at that...", Jade mumbled. "MOM! HELP ME, I'M WEAK LIKE LUCAS! , Carley was struggling to unzip her backpack. Bambino and Zy looked at her in pity as they easily opened their bags. RIIIIIIP. "Never mind! Got it!". Carley ripped the whole bag open "A 17 year old is stronger than you!",Jade mumbled. "How about we go get yourself unpacked?", Blaze asked Jade. "Show me your room, I'll unpack myself...". Jade followed Blaze down to his room. "If that boy touches her I swear to god...",Astro ALMOST started attacking Blaze with a tomato. "Astro, you share a room with me", I told Astro.

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