Chapter 1:Convincing and Planning

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It was a normal morning at the Kinky Krew mansion. Lucas and Astro were making pancakes. (More like Lucas was and Astro was bothering him) Jade, Carley, and Metsu were setting up the table. (Still more like Metsu was. Jade and Carley were just sitting there talking, Bambino and Zy was sitting there quietly) They were eating breakfast till Lucas brought up the topic of his siblings.

Lucas' POV

Carley yelled," I wanna meet auntie Ezra!". "Me too! ",yelled Bambino. 'Me three!", Zy spoke. Metsu continued," Yeah Phoenix seems nice." I said," I guess we can go to Canada but, are you guys sure you want to go on a 7 HOUR PLANE RIDE." They all said," I guess." I guess I have to book the flights. I put my plate in the sink and headed to my laptop. 3 kids and 4 adults. THERE FINALLY BOOKED FOR TOMORROW. I yelled out while packing my suitcase and bag," PACK YOUR BAGS OUR FLIGHT IS AT 6 AM IN TOMORROW!"


Jade groaned. "Are we there yet?". Lucas' eyes twitched in annoyance. "We just landed now CAN IT!". Jade looked to the side and noticed that Astro was gone from their seat. Jade looked back at Lucas and asked. "Where did Astro go?". Lucas looked at Metsu. Metsu's eyes went WHOOP. "Well... They-umm... had to use the baaaathroooom." All of a sudden, sounds of puking could be heard in the bathroom. "Found 'em...". The flight attendants didn't notice.


"So my brother Phoenix is picking us up. He is the adorable one" ,I said. I heard a truck pull up. Metsu yelled," I THINK HE IS HERE." I look up from my phone and heard Phoenix get out of the truck. "Hey little bro", I went up to him and hugged him. I put him in a arm lock and gave him a noggie while, laughing. "LUCAS S-STOP YOU BASTARD,", a kinda strong Canadian accent yelled. Lucas stopped and introduced Phoenix to his roommates and significant other. Lucas starting to get a stronger Scottish accent," So Phoenix these are my friends and significant other that live with me back in Ireland. This is my significant other, Astro," I motion to Astro. Astro waved. I continued," This is my other roommate, Homo Milk, Jade." I motioned to the brunette with a cowlick. Jade waved. "And this is another roommate of mines, Metsu" I pointed to the brunette with an eyepatch. Metsu smiled and waved. "This is the bean, Carley.," I motioned to the smaller brunette. "She is the main reason we are here." ,I said. "This is Bambino and Zy, their both the other reason why we're here". Phoenix said in a nice voice," Hey kiddo's." Carley yelled," Hey Mister!". "Hey..." Bambino mumbled. "Hi Mister!",Zy yelled. Jade looked at Carley and Zy and said," Simmer down you two...". I looked at Phoenix and asked," Shouldn't we get going?". Phoenix said an "okay" and asked me," So who's gonna sit in the truck and who's gonna sit in the back?". Metsu started jumping up and down and saying, "I wanna sit in the back!", I shrugged and said," Sure. BUT I WANNA SIT IN THE BACK TOO!". Carley pouted and asked," Why can't I sit in the back?". Jade walked behind Carley and said," Because your both too young and you're probably gonna do something really stupid...". Carley pouted but grabbed her bag and got into the truck. Jade got in the other side with Bambino and Zy. Astro asked Lucas and Metsu as they were getting into the back ," Don't do anything stupid, please?". Before Metsu could answer Lucas cut her off," Well.... we can't really guarantee that". Astro was seriously gonna regret letting them sit back their.

---10 minutes later---

Music could be heard outside in the back. Both Metsu and Lucas were headbanging and screeching. Jade and Astro were both listening to music completely ignoring the loud cursing coming from the back. Finally, Carley ripped both of their headphones," Why aren't you talking to Phoenix?". Astro took their headphones back and told Carley," Because we're socially awkward..". Carley looked over at Bambino listening to music and spacing out. She pulled off Bambino's headphones and asked," Why aren't you talking to Phoenix?". They took their headphones back and replied,"It runs in the family...". Carley got bored and just started talking with Zy. 


Well that's it for chapter 1. I have to give credit to everyone else in TKK, for helping me with this story. Jade was a huge help with this story. We actually started this story back in March. Anyway, Lucas Lumine out~

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