Part Ten

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With a sigh of relief, the blonde girl sat down in her seat. Though her heart jumped into her throat when a hand clamped down on her shoulder. She didn't scream, only jerking her head up and glaring up at whoever had bothered her. 

To find Jason Grace, a boy she had hardly ever spoken to but knew because he played basketball for the school and happened to be in a lot of her classes, smiling down at her sheepishly. His blue eyes blinked at the glare she sent his way, and that reminded her to drop the look and sigh again. 

"Yes?" She folded her hands in her lap and watched as Jason sat down next to her. 

"Um, I'm Jason Grace." He held his hand out, the girl didn't shake it, only nodding or him to continue. "I have a big test in third period, and I was wondering if you had any studying tips? I keep reading my notes, I made flash cards, I even sat down and tried to memorize the book-but none of it seems to be sticking." He rushed his words, stumbling and messing with the strap of his book bag. "I asked you, because I know you're top of the class and everything." He smiled again, and the girl nodded faintly. 

"The thing is, um, Jason," She pulled at her sleeves and sighed again. "I do study, but I don't do anything fancy with it." She shrugged and pulled out her books. "I take color coded notes, I do flash cards for vocab, but that's about it. I just have good memory." 

He sighed, running a hand over his face. "Thanks anyways Annabeth." She nodded, then she held up a hand. "Hmm?" 

"I have a study hall next period, ran out of classes to take that make sense for what I want to do, if you can work it, I can help you study." She spoke fairly quickly, but not from nerves, that's just how she was. He knew that from seeing her give presentations and reports. "Does that work?" 

"Yeah!" He grinned, sighing in relief. "Thanks so much." He waved then got up and moved to his actual seat. 


He sat in the back of the class, blue hoodie unzipped and feet crammed under the small desk. Towards the front sat a brunet that seemed ready to pull out her own hair. 

The girl was considering what would happen if she asked her teacher to just put off turning in the homework. She was sure all of hers were wrong. She tapped her foot, her sneaker bouncing off the tiles. She was too goddamned tired for this, her heart was to sore and her mind was still a puddle of mush. 

She had made such a discovery last night, a piece of her mother she had never known about was brought into daylight and bashed from the dark. 

"Piper!" Hissed the girl beside her. "Stop with the foot tapping!" The girl had straight black hair and brown eyes. She wore too much makeup and not enough clothes, Drew Tanka. Piper rolled her eyes and kept tapping her foot, watching the clock above the wall and waiting for the day to be over so she could go home and think this through. 

In the back, the boy watched everyone with disinterest. But Piper had gotten his attention. There was something she was worried about, he only knew about the girl in passing like many of his classmates in Senior year. He was new after all, having switched schools over the Summer.

Most didn't know his name, and he didn't care.

But as roll call was sounded, the boy answered to "Percy Jackson."


The class was boring, and her mind was wandering to other things. Her golden eyes were staring into the distance, her nails clicking against her arm as she vaguely listened to the lesson.  Beside her, her friend Frank was taking notes, though she caught how his writing was slanting-a sign even he was paying much attention to the crone that chose to drone on and on about math. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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