Part One

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The word was like posion on everyday people's tounge. They hated them, nothing ever good came from a Super. When Supers first came about, of course everyone loved them, toys, comics, stories, about these heroes.

But then villains came. 

People figured that if Supers could turn bad, why have them at all? They became outcasts, thrown away like yesterday's garbage. People with powers had to register with the government, and wear tags on their chests, telling everyone what their power was. It became harder for these people to live normal lives. 

Some people don't register. 

They, if caught and reported, get carted off the jail. No trial. No jury. Because they know you're guilty. The more fuss you make the worse your punishment. It's that simple. 

This is the story of ten Supers.

And their Villains. 

Now, let's take a peek at the begining. No, not when they start fighting. The very begining. Let's see what the parents decide to do when faced with Super kids. Shall we?


The first five years are the most crucial. That's when you'll find out if they have powers or not. For a young Percy Jackson, son of Sally Jackson, it didn't take long. 

Sally brought Percy home from the hospital. She opened the door with just a clang of keys and the groan of hinges. With a snap of plastic on plastic, the lights flared on. The middle of the night and she was exhausted. But . . . With one look at Percy's sleeping face, she knew she would just watch him all night. 

This beautiful baby that was hers and . . . his. 

Oh the baby even had tuffs of black hair on the top of his head. Sally had first seen the green eyes of his and wept. The spitting image of his father. But there was another thing of his father's that Sally hoped he wouldn't have. 

It would make his life so much harder if he got that last thing from his father. His father, who died trying to save people at sea. He had used so much of his power that . . . It claimed him. Because if a Super goes over board, uses more than what they were given, that very power takes their life as debt. 

Sally hopped her son wouldn't get that from him. The powers or the over whelming self-lessness. Both were dangerous, but together they were down right deadly. 

She spent that night rocking him back and forth and singing softly. Percy would nuzzel closer to her and make tiny noises of approval. 

The next day Sally tried to give him a bath. Simple, stright forward. In the sink and out, he was too small for the bathtub. But when she ran the water it bent in strange ways. Percy would move his foot and the water would curve, move his hand and the water rushed out faster. 

Sally didn't know what to do. She was . . . so happy, but so-so heart broken. Percy would have that piece of his father, and she would have that piece too . . . But he would be prosecuted his whole life. Unless . . . She didn't tell anyone. 

No one knew his father, their relasonship had been kept secret from his family and Sally had no family. No one needed to know. Sally wrapped Percy in a fluffy towel and hugged him close. She wept while rocking him in her arms. Oh her little boy, she would do anything for him. 

She just hopped that he would be safe. 


Fredrick Chase was at a loss for words.

He had been raising his little girl, for four years now. Two without her mother. Oh her mother, Fredrick's first love. Blonde and grey eyed, just like their daughter. And smart. Oh how smart his Athena was. 

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