Chapter Seven

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"Come on!" Molla pulled at my arms until I allowed her to drag me along.

We swam to the edge of the reef, by the glass wall and Molla took my hand. Soon, we were up at the surface of the water with out heads poking out of the water. The land was several miles away from us, but it was beautiful. It was night time and all was dark except the land. There were tall buildings (as Molla called them) with windows. In the windows, light flooded through. It looked like each building had been splattered with glow in the dark paint. Nothing but the sounds of the wind and the waves could be heard. It was the most beautiful moment I've ever lived. This moment topped everything I had and will ever experience in life. I never wanted it to end.

A single tear fell from my cheek and into the dark crystal blue water, when Molla said we'd better get back to her bed coral.

"Why can't we just... just stay here?" I shrugged. I really saw no reasons as to why we had to leave. I knew she had to get home, but I wanted to stay.

"We can come back." Molla replied. "Trust me. I come here every night. It's my thinking place. Where I come to escape the chaos down there and sort things through. But..." Molla stopped mid-sentence and looked around. "There's normally a dingy out here to sit in."

"A dingy?"

"A small a canoe. Oh! There it is!" A small boat floated just inches away from us. Molla grabbed it and pulled herself in with all her upper body strength, then helped me in.

After about thirty minutes, my hand went to my hair to move it from my face. There was something wrong. My hair. It wasn't wet. What? I felt my arms and blouse. They too were dry. I felt my tail. Damp. That was expected. Mermaid tails were supposed to hold water longer so they don't dry out. But still... the rest of me was dry!

"Molla! Molla, wake up!" I cried shaking Molla. She'd fallen asleep ten minutes ago.

"What?" She sighed sleepily, then she saw the urgency in my eyes. "What?" She asked more sincerely.

"Dry! My's dry!" I cried.

"Oh... yes. It's nice isn't it?" She sighed as if she were in love. "Can you feel it? It feels...different doesn't it?"

I calmed down. I sat back and felt it. The way the dryness felt on my skin. It was different. But in a good way. Instead of making me want to scream and cry out, it calmed me. "Yeah," I smiled. "I-I do feel it."



Hey readers! Sorry...short chapter again. Heh heh...Hope you liked it though.

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