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Lee Taeyong

Lee Taeyong: hey

Jung Eunji: oh no

Lee Taeyong: wut

Jung Eunji: not you again, perv

Lee Taeyong: ha

Lee Taeyong: ha

Lee Taeyong: ha

Lee Taeyong: ha

Jung Eunji: yah! stop spamming

Lee Taeyong: but you're so funny

Jung Eunji: ik

Lee Taeyong: sarcasm

Jung Eunji: ha

Jung Eunji: i answered before you texted sarcasm

Lee Taeyong: want me to spam again

Jung Eunji: noo no no no

I smiled all alone in her room, when I suddenly got that tickling feeling in my stomach - I need a bathroom. Jennie came in with a lot of snacks and sweets.

"Hey bae, I'm back"

"Awesome, but would you mind me, using the bathroom?"

"Yes. Joke. Just use it"

I nodded at her, and went to the bathroom.

Jennie POV

I sat quietly on my bed alone, waiting for Eunji, when I suddenly felt a beeping phone on the bed. From Lee Taeyong. I am sorry Eunji, I shouldn't have clucked your phone.

Eunji POV

When I came out of the bathroom, Jennie is sitting awkwardly, and looking down to the floor. She doesn't dare to look me in the eyes. What's wrong, this time?

"Gurl, what's wrong, you can tell me, y'know"

"I... I kind of clucked your phone..."

"You did what?"

"I really didn't mean to! I am so sorry!"

"Gurl... It's not like you've started a 3rd world war, for clucking my phone, chill down bae"

"So, you aren't mad at me!"

"Of course not!"

She looked happy for a moment, and then guilty for doing something, again.

"But I kind of... Saw something I shouldn't. Or should I say, someone"

"What! Who?"

"A guy named Lee Taeyong..."

My eyes grew big. I took my iphone quickly, to see what he texted, you'll never know when it's Lee Taeyong.

Lee Taeyong

Lee Taeyong: i love when you're mad

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