7 - B R E A K F A S T

29 2 1

Wow yes hello
Srry this took a bit i got a little bit o' writers block

Ps excuse the frequent edits i make im terrible proof reading xox


*Lewis's P.O.V*

"You're more than welcome," I told her. Oh lord, she was lovely. I'm attaching. Nooo. I didn't want to do this. I'm not going to be able to see her go. I'm a sucker for hugs.

"I don't want you to think I'm here because I've tracked you down or something dumb," she whispered, a hint of paranoia slipping through. I held on even still, my heart crumbling at her words. God damn it Lewis.

I'm a softy what the hell.

"Don't overthink what Duncan said. He's tired, and most likely worried he'd stayed up for a big old hoax. But we understand that's not the case now," I said as she pulled away from the hug. Hopefully, I was comforting, though its hard to tell sometimes.

She nodded at my words.

Her grey eyes shone as she looked into mine. I felt like I was melting. God, whats wrong with me?

*Beatrix's P.O.V*

He's lovely. Shivers went down my spine. We talked about general stuff, how it was 9:45 AM, cold around the building and how the day seemed rather cloudy and gloomy. It surprised me how I wasn't as shy as I was expected to be, I wasn't perfect, but still not as bad as I could be.
I excused myself and went to go check my phone in the other room. Taking in the corridors properly for the first time made me giddy. This couldn't be real.

Absentmindedly, I walked into the office that I had spent the night in, bringing my suitcase with me.

"Hello?" A voice said making me jump.

Whipping my head towards the voice, Smiffy sat at one of three desks with an eyebrow raised and a confused look on his face.

We stared each other down, unsure who was going to make the first move.

"Hi," I said, remembering that even though I knew him, I was a complete stranger that had just walked into his office. "I'm Beatrix, I'm the girl that um, stayed the night..." I explained as he stared at me in confusion.

He let out a long 'ohhhh' as I clicked into place in his mind. He smiled.
"I'm Alex, or Smiffy, I'm partial to being called either," introducing himself, moving his chair to face me better.

I saw my phone charging on one of the desks and made my way over to it.
"Well, I'm Beatrix or Bea, and I'm also partial to being called either," I imitated, being once again shocked at my own confidence. Smiffy laughed from where he sat. Switching on my phone I noticed a text from my mum asking how I was and that she had reached Scotland.
I got upset, realising that she would have been driving most of the night to be there this early.

"So how are you this morning?" He asked, drawing my attention back to him.
"I'm okay, just a little overwhelmed, you know, being at Yogstudios," I said, not really thinking, texting my mum that I had a good sleep and that everything was okay; dusting over the fact I wasn't at the hostel.

"So you know us?" Smiffy pressed with amusement in his tone. I nodded, leaving my phone to charge and leaning against a desk.

"Well, I feel like an idiot for introducing myself," he joked.

"No no, it's lovely meeting you, even though the situation is a little bit weird," I said as I smiled at him.
The door opened again and Lewis's head popped through.
"Hey Simon's back with food," he told me before realising Smiffy was also in the room.
"Smith! I wasn't expecting you to be in this early, what are you doing here?" Lewis exclaimed, happy yet confused to see the man.
"I'm sorry for doing work boss, I'm happy to go home," Smith joked, making Lewis and I laugh, "I'm just getting admin done, I've left it one month too long..." he trailed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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