6 - W H A T S T H I S F O R ?

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Here i am with the point of view swaps

Ill stop that soon




*Sjins P.O.V*

Attached. Hooked. I stayed up all night watching over her. Creepy as it sounds. Like a motherly instinct, I think. Nope, no matter how I say it, it sounds creepy.

She held herself co carefully. She pretended to be stronger than she was, she stopped herself from crying earlier, maybe she felt embarrassed. A shy girl.

"Is it okay if I charge my phone?" She asked timidly, holding a charger in her hand that she had found in her bag.
"Yeah yeah sure, let me get that for you," Duncan said, shooting up, ready to take the phone and charger from her hands.
She smiled and thanked him as he walked to the nearest plug socket.

I scanned her frame. Her hair falling out of a plait, wisps of hair everywhere. Her skin was pale and makeup smeared on her face, she looked weary and her blue eyes were red and bloodshot. Freckles dotted her skin, on her arms, cheeks, nose. She wore a longsleeved top, her sleeves rolled up, but the fabric was blooded slightly on the shoulder. Black jeans and a pair of beaten up vans made up the rest of her attire, we had taken off her shoes so she could sleep more comfortably during the night, however.
She looked too delicate for this world.

"I should get changed I probably look a state. I've taken advantage of your company long enough," Beatrix said. She went to get up weakly, but hissed in pain and fell back onto the sofa.

"Whoa easy, you've hurt yourself a bit there," Lewis said, holding her arm slightly.

She held her shoulder in pain, an almost fearful look on her face.
"What hurts?" Lewis said, taking over the situation and becoming an instant doctor.
She pointed at her shoulder and back.
None the less she attempted to get back up anyway. This time she managed, swaying slightly, mine and Lewis's hands reaching out on reflex to steady her. I stood up, just in case she fell.

"Is there a place for me to get changed?" She asked quietly, staring at her suitcase, concentrating on her balance.

"Yeah we can show you to the bathrooms," I said, Lewis, standing up too.
She nodded her head and quickly smiled, taking some cautious steps. She reached for her suitcase, "no, it's alright I've got that," Lewis offered, grabbing the handle. I held onto her arm and hand, to steady her as we walked towards the door. Duncan walked over and opened the door for us and we made our way down the empty corridor, most people weren't here yet or were just doing general admin.
We walked past closed doors and turned a corner, walking past the kitchen and making it to the women's toilets, Beatrix getting more confident with each step.
"We'll be in the kitchen, if you need us," Lewis told Beatrix, pushing her suitcase through into the bathroom.

"Thank you," she replied quietly. I realised I was still holding her hand and let go, not taking my eyes off of her until she was in the bathroom and had shut the door. NOPE STILL CREEPY.
The three of us walked to the kitchen where Simon stood, drinking his tea and looking through cupboards. He swore as the drink scolded his mouth, but continued to try and drink it anyway.

"I think we might have to go to the shops," Simon started as we walked in, "all I've found are teabags and bananas," he looked at us, "I don't think that's really a hearty breakfast."

"Right well we can sort that," Lewis took charge, again. I leaned against the counter as I rearranged my beanie.
"I don't mind going with Simon if you want," Duncan volunteered.
"Only if that's not too much trouble, I mean you did stay up all night," Lewis added, concerned about how we hadn't slept properly.
"Nah I'm okay, I got the odd nap in," Duncan chuckled.
"More like you slept most of the night," I added, making Duncan laugh more.
"Yeah, so really I'm okay. Id kind of like to go home maybe and freshen up," Duncan said, I nodded in agreement.
"Maybe you two could help Simon with the shopping and he could drop you guys home so you can get yourselves changed and what not," Lewis suggested pragmatically.
He was good with plans sometimes.
There was a pause as Simon sipped his tea.

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