~Chapter 2~

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Sunlight sparkled in the clearing and the birdsong sounded beautiful. Lostface realised how much she had taken for granted being a healthy apprentice. "I never really stopped to notice how beautiful everything really is," she murmured in Cloudtail's ear. As much as the clearing was beautiful, there was something that was bothering her about being outside. Everybody was staring at her, and not in a good way. Her ear pricked as she noticed a couple of kits whispering about her. "Why does she look like that?" She thought she heard Tawnykit, but she wasn't sure as she was staring at her paws. "Hush, little one. She was attacked by dogs. The same might happen to you if you leave the camp on your own!" Goldenflower's voice had a worried edge to it, as if she were worried it might actually happen. I'm going to become nothing more than a cautionary tale for kits! "I'm going to make dirt," Lostface grumbled and padded out into the forest. Cloudtail got to his paws but stood where he was, confusion and uncertainty in his eyes.

Lostface stumbled through the forest on uneven steps. She was still getting used to being balanced with only one eye. Nearby, a bush shuffled and the scent of mouse filled Lostface's nose. Slowly, she descended into the hunter's crouch. When the mouse was in sight she leaped for it. Little ears pricked and panicked paws scrabbled at the ground. Thump! She hit the ground. Lostface, half buried in leaves, watched in dismay as the mouse scurried away. Maybe I really am useless... Teardrops fell onto the ground and were soaked up hungrily by the dirt. After a while, she sensed somebody coming up behind her. Cloudtail's white pelt settled down beside her. He didn't say anything, just pushed his muzzle into her shoulder and purred. Eventually, Lostface had no more tears left to cry out. "Come on, if Cinderpelt finds out I let you out into the forest she'll line her den with my fur!" She didn't even try to fake laughter. Together they rose as one and padded back into camp.

Cinderpelt was pacing worriedly outside her den. Lostface braced herself for a scolding as Cinderpelt spotted them and bounded over. "Why did- What were- I was-" Cinderpelt let out a big sigh, "Just come on in." Without a word she followed Cinderpelt into the medicine den, Cloudtail close behind her. The familiar aroma of herbs surrounded Lostface. She felt trapped. Trapped by the smells, the walls, her past. Cloudtail sensed something was wrong and stepped closer to her. "I'm fine," she lied. He shifted his weight from paw to paw, not believing her. "Really, Cloudtail!" Lostface sighed tiredly. "Oh, alright. I can take a hint," Cloudtail padded out, looking over his shoulder every few heartbeats. Cinderpelt watched, wistfulness in her eyes. "You're really lucky to have someone love you that much," whispered Cinderpelt. Lostface sniffed "What? Because I'm disfigured and ugly?" Profusely, Cinderpelt shook her head. "No, no! Of course not! Love is complicated, for everyone..." She looked away into the distance. It might've just been the light, but Lostface could've sworn to Starclan she saw a tear form in Cinderpelt's eye. She opened her mouth, about to say something but Cinderpelt interrupted. "It's time for your poultice!" Lostface groaned. More nasty smelling leaves slathered onto her face, perfect.

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