A Not So Pleasant Meeting | 3

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POV of essence.

Sorry it's so short. I didn't want to reveal too much in this chapter!


"Don't be afraid of being scared. To be afraid is a sign of common sense. Only complete idiots are not afraid of anything."

-Carlos Ruiz Zafón

The air that I had inhaled was suddenly no longer in my body as someone kicked my stomach with force. I eyes struggled to open as I heard a chilling husky voice

"Wake up sleeping beauty" the voice said.

I groaned at the pain that coursed through my body, and centralized throughout my spine. Trying to sit up with the pain coursing through me proved to be difficult, and with every move a moan accompanied. I froze and the first thing I noticed was that the box was gone. I gasped as I noticed a message written on the fog of the window.

Welcome to hell, sweetheart.

Quickly glancing around to find the perpetrator I noticed the box neatly set on the fireplace, and with an unknown will I walked over to the fire place to retrieve the box.

You just don't know when to quit do you?" I heard a vicious voice call out.

I froze and slowly turned around. What I saw was something that set fear deep in my soul, and chilled my bones.

Standing in front of me was Aiden. The deceased Aiden who committed suicide. Its impossible for him to be standing here in the living room. He appeared to be real, but there was a translucent appeal to him. My fear became overwhelming, and he seemed to enjoy watching me like this.

He slowly stalked closer to me in a slow and meaning way. His demeanor was malevolent, and chilling. Unknowingly I backed up against the fire place, and it was then I wished that there was no fireplace to trap me.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" He snickered. "Scared to death?"

I said nothing out of fear as I let out a small whimper that managed to. He smiled a wicked smile and inhaled deeply. Without a moment to spare, adrenaline coursing through my veins I ran as fast as I could. Behind me I heard him bellow a laugh. I headed towards the front door knowing that I would be trapped if I stayed inside. I turned the corner to the door, and my heart speed as I saw him there waiting for me.

I let out a small scream and turned to run the other way desperate to get away from this demented ghost. I ran upstairs knowing there was no where else to run, and as I reached the top of the stairs I ran into my room trying to find a place to hide. I quickly ran to my closet as I thought of no better place. I pressed against the back wall and closed my eyes wishing this was all a dream, but every time I opened my eyes I was still in the closet.

"Oh, sweetheart! Where ever shall you be?" He snickered malevolently.

My fear rose as my bones chilled, and unmistakeably heard him inhale. My heart beat was abnormally fast, and I hoped he couldn't hear it. In an frightful instant the closet doors swung open to reveal a malevolent Aiden

I let out a small cry as my back hit the wall. I was out of options at this point. No where to look, no where to hide, no where to run.

He had me.

"Boo." He mocked as a small gust of wind swept around me. My throat closed as I felt his hand grab my chin forcing me to look at him. A cold needle pierced my spine as his transparent and lifeless eyes stared through me. I did not know what to fear more. His eyes? Or the fact that I actually felt him.

I screamed in pure terror, and he laughed in my face. Screamed till I had no air in my lungs, and he seemed to enjoy every moment of it. I eventually had to gasp for air, and I tried to control myself.

"W-wha-......How?" I asked shaking.

He seemed a little disappointed that I was no longer screaming, but it didn't faze him.

" You summoned me sweetheart." He said viciously as he came closer.

"Summoned?" I asked. I tried to push myself further in, but I had no where else to go

"Yes. Those notes you were going through. OF MINE. The ones you read aloud? That was what summoned me." He said with so much venom in his voice that I cringed.

Thinking for a second I said the words again, and I saw fury overtake his persona.

"If you do not shut your damn mouth right now. I will rip out your tongue." He growled in a voice that resonated in my soul.

"W- What do they mean?" I asked teriified.

"It means forever be bound to the one you disturb." He said furiously.

My heart froze and it no longer pounded against my chest. He continued to study me as watch me with an intense mixture of curiosity, anger, and pleasure. He had visibly calmed as the time trickled by into centuries.

"So Sweetheart. It seems like you're stuck with me." He said winking at me and grinning like a mad man.

He stood up and backed out.

"After you." He smiled.

"What are you going to do?" I asked scared.

He smiled and leaned in once more.

"I'm going to make your life a living hell."

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