chapter twenty nine. (finale part 1.)

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You woke up today and walked to the park to have some peace and quiet today.

You stared at the sky blankly, just thinking.

I stared at the sky too and just thought about whatever went through your head.

It was quiet for a while, no animals were out, no other humans, or anything.. It seemed peaceful yet sad. It was lonely today and the sun wasn't shining brightly. It's been dull for a while just like your eyes.. But I brushed away that thought and just went closer to you, holding onto you, making sure you were alright. Something was off about you today and it made me mad because I didn't know what. And I've made it my job to make sure my little human is always happy no matter what..

I don't know why I am here with you right now. I don't know why I found you and decided to stay with you. I don't know anything but everything about you. It's like you put me under a spell and everything is only about you, in my little world. But that's okay. You're all that matters to me. And I couldn't ask to be with any other person but you..

So here we sit under this tree and blankly watch the sun slowly spread it's warmth across the grass. It's beautiful in a way i can't really explain.. It was quiet. A little too quiet. But it felt nice.. It felt like there was just the two of us in the world and everyone else was gone. But I didn't need anyone else in my life besides you.. And I think I could say the same for you too.

It's a little strange how no other demon could make me as happy as you do. Or no other human could make you as happy as I do. I guess it's true when you humans say, opposites attract. Maybe we're just so different from each other, that we're practically the same.

I grabbed your hand hoping you could feel something and for once I think you did. I saw the faintest smile, but still a smile, on your face as you just kept watching the sun and the horizon. And I had the faintest smile too, knowing you were a little bit happy..

We laid there on the warm and soft grass, under the tree, with no worries in the world. There was still no noise and still no people or animals to bother us. It was just our own little world now.

You slowly closed your eyes, tired and I held you in my arms. I smiled at you and held you more. I love you princess.. As you laid there, now dreaming, i just sat there, wondering what it was like to dream too. I should be watching you but its safe now, no one will hurt you in our little world.. I kept thinking and thinking about it and I finally closed my eyes slowly and breathed quiet and felt a wave of happiness surround me as I finally was able to sleep and dream with my little human..

This dream was vague but I could still tell that I dreamt of you. That's obviously all i really think about.. But you were just as beautiful in my head as you were in real life. It was like a paradise and I couldn't be any happier.. Just as we were about to kiss, I opened my eyes, with the dream fading away.. But when I woke up to the real world my arms were empty and you weren't anywhere near.

I groaned and widened my eyes and looked around, the noise of construction, talking, and animals in my head. It wasn't quiet anymore. It wasn't perfect anymore. My heart was racing and my senses were starting to come back slowly. It felt different not being around you. It felt cold. I ran and stumbled to find you, shocked and so scared. I felt so vulnerable. I shouldn't have slept. I shouldn't have dreamt of a perfect reality instead of facing it. I shouldn't have tried to make our own fairytale..

How could i do this?

What have I done?

(this is it, part one of the finale of demon. and if you don't like it, don't read..its simple. don't complain to me because i really don't care. (: there is one more part and that's it. it'll be coming soon. and then after that I will explain why "she" couldn't see him, everything like that in the after note. i am sorry if this isn't exactly 10 pages but i don't want to drag it on, I want to go straight to what i and everyone else wants to see, the action and the aftermath. and thank you for 3000+ followers and 1 million+ reads..this is a dream, thank you all. (: next chapter coming real soon. i wanna end this carefully. i hope you liked this and hope you like what happens next.. xox kris)

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