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Jonah's POV

I am excited for today. I've been waiting all week. I knocked both Corbyn and Emily- uhhh I love her - out last night. I made the boys tie Emily and Corbyn to poles in the basement too.

I abuse Emily like this because she is my crush. Her and Corbyn go very well together and that makes me hate both of them.

The boys I knew weren't happy I forced them into helping me. They know something bad will happen if they don't though.

I was getting impatient with wanting them to wake up.

Emily's POV

I woke up to see Corbyn continuously yelling my name.

"What Corbyn? What?" I say annoyed

"FOR ONE THING I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE HECK WE ARE, SECONDLY I WAS WORRIED CAUSE YOU WWEREBT WAKING UP! AND THIRDLY WE ARE TIED UP IN A RANDOM LOCATION WHERE WE COULD DIE!" He exclaimed out of breath "You happy?" I recalled what he said about being tied up. I looked down and saw my chest tied up, and my hands and feet tied to a pole.

"Well, well, well. Look who's now awake!" A mysterious voice said

"What do you want? Let us go!" I yelled

"Emily." Corbyn started. I just ignored him

"Please we'll give you whatever you want!" I said "please."

"Emily." Corbyn said again

"Please just let us go." I Started to cry

"EMILY!" Corbyn yelled

"WHAT CORBYN!" I snapped at him

"THAT. IS. JONAH." He starred at me with wide eyes. I started to panic but I slowly called down.

"So you figured out who I am." Jonah said "That won't stop me from what I'm going to do though." I got really scared and tried to wiggle out of the ropes holding me to the pole. I saw the boys go over to Corbyn and hold him down even though the ropes were on him. Jonah came in after the boys did. He held something behind his back I saw a sharp corner and started to wiggle more. I knew what it was. A knife. He was going to kill me in front of Corbyn. He was going to watch him suffer.

I gave Corbyn a look of goodbye. He knew exactly what I meant. He yelled the loudest scream I've heard in my entire life.

I next thing I knew he was by my side, our lips connected.

"Emily. I may not ever get to tell you this but I love you so much. The day I first layer eyes on you i knew I was in love. Now we are here and we might die but if you did I'll die too just to be with you in heaven." Corbyn said on the verge of tears "Emily I love you!" Then he smashed his lips on mine. I felt fireworks and explosions through out my body. I loved him. And he loved me back!

Zach, Jack and Daniel all pulled him back and secured him tighter with more rope. He screamed with tears that were like waterfalls flowing down his face.

Jonah came over to me and pulled out the knife. He walked over to me and put the knife against my face lightly just to make me bleed. The dark blood streamed down my face and down my chest. I cried more and more. He then moved to my stomach he dragged the knife deep into my stomach. I YELLED in pain. He smirked while looking at Corbyn.

He looked at me then I passed out.

Corbyn's POV

I was screaming in anger, and frustration, and sadness all at the same time.

A minutes later he started to cut her. He cut her on the cheek then on the stomach. Jonah watched her as she passed out. I boys let me go and had the police on the phone. Jonah turned around with a scared then normal look on his face.

"If you tell then in here I'll kill her. If you step any closer I'll kill her. If the police come, and they try to stop me, I'll kill her." Jonah told us. He stood there with a knife to Emily's neck. He would cut her throat in a second. He was the one in power here. Me and the boys got into a group huddle and discussed what to do. We decided to hang up with the police and call someone who's better...

Logan Paul.

We sent him a message and he told us he'd be here right away. He had to act though. Right now we needed a diversion.

"Jonah listen you don't have to do this." Jack started

"Yes. I. Do."

"Well why don't you explain so we can work this out?" Daniel said

"Fine you really want me to explain? Well here ya go. When I first met Emily I loved her. I saw that Corbyn loved her too. I saw the way they looked at each other when they first met. They looked like a great couple. But that didn't stop me from loving her. She was my everything she always make me smile in the morning if I was mad. But I knew you both like each other. I was so mad about it I took it out on her. And sometimes you Corbyn. So yeah. Now I'm going to kill her because if I can't have her no one can. "

I saw a blond flash behind Jonah and I smirked.

"What you smirking about blondy?" Jonah asked.

"That." I said then the room flooded with cops and Jonah was on the floor being beaten by Logan. Logan got off of Jonah as the cops arrested them.

I ran over to Emily as the cops stopped me and said she needed to go to the hospital imediantly. I really wanted to see her and just hug her but Daniel told me it was for the best.

The ambulance said one person could come with Emily, and I took that chance. The boys told us they would meet us later.

We arrived at the hospital and they rushed Emily into a surgery room. I was terrified. The doctors said to calm down she'll be alright. But that didn't stop me from pacing.

The boys walked into the hospital and I ran over to them and cried over Daniel's shoulder. The three boys all tried to cheer me up. But nothing worked. Then I had questions in my mind.

Will she be ok?

Will she die?

Will she ever heal?

Will she be ok?

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