Another Chance

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Another Chance

“How much time until you… leave?” I asked Ash as I peered into the driver’s window.

“A month after graduation so that gives us three more months,” He smiled at me while touching his hand to my lips.

“Would that be enough time for… us?” I asked as I leaned in closer to him. I didn’t know what I was expecting but my body felt weird and tense.

“We’ll make it more than enough. We still have prom.” He leaned closer to me too. His breathing was heavy and so was mine. His breath was hot and was quicker.

He sighed as he stared into my eyes and kissed me on the cheek. Like he always did.

“Bye.” He bid.

“Bye.”I said as I returned the kiss and stepped away from the car. I watched it sped up and disappear from sight.

“Ash…” And all the tears started pouring again.

“So you’re sure he’s really leaving?” Sadie asked. I knocked on the door after I decided that I was good enough to speak clearly. But the moment Sadie opened the door for me, I lost it.

“When did Ash ever lie to me?” I asked as she helped me get in and sat me down on the sofa.

“You’re right. I feel like this is a really bad time for me to give you a surprise. Wait here. I’ll cancel.” She trotted into the kitchen.

I didn’t even hear what she was saying. I was too upset. Part of me thought that I was being selfish and the other part, the one that’s practically shouting, was grieving over Ash.

“Oh God, you look like shit.” Nadine commented while she sat on the foot of their stairs. “Sadie was right. No way will he talk to you, not when you look like that. Aw crap, so much for a life saver and a date with Dylan Carson.” She slapped her forehead.

The mention of Hunter’s brother had me looking at her. “Dylan? Wha… What are you talking about?”

“The surprise we had, well…” Nadine began when Sadie ran in and whispered something that made Nadine curse like crazy.

“He can’t. Not when she’s feeling like this. She’ll scare the crap outta him.”Nadine said quickly.

“Well, damn, the guy won’t let me stop him. He just wanted to talk to her.” Sadie looked worried.

“Talking will have a new meaning when Trish finds out what we were planning. She’ll go mad and then the guy would probably be in the hospital until college. She won’t forgive him.”

I was trying to make sense with they were saying. None of it made sense.

The doorbell rang and Nadine probably ran to open the door.

“Hey hot stuff, why are you here?” Nadine asked coolly.

“Who’s that?” I asked.

“It’s no one. Come on Trish, I’ll take you to my room, then we’ll talk.” Sadie said, pulling my elbow.

I nodded and followed her.

“I just need to talk to her.” The visitor insisted. Nadine was doing a really good job making up excuses but whatever she did, the person at the door wasn’t having any of it.

“Mind telling me what’s going on?” I asked as I peeked over Sadie’s shoulder. It felt like it took me forever to register the name of the person standing outside the twins’ house.

My moment of weakness was forgotten as I crossed my arms over my chest. “What are you doing here?” Hunter stood there looking way hotter in his jeans and hoodie.

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