0.4| cry me a river

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Chapter Four – Scene Four

After he'd finished taking awkward photos of me, none of which he'd let me see, we went back into my room and sat there in silence.

This is really awkward.

"So..." he trailed off, glancing around my room for the fifth time, before resting his bright eyes on me.

"How did you even know where I lived?" I just a tad bit creeped out at the fact he knew where I lived, I'd only met him this morning. I didn't even think Todd would do something like that.

He looked incredibly embarrassed, as he should be, a blush forming on his cheeks. "I followed you." My eyes bulged at his words.

"You're a stalker," I exclaimed, slightly shuffling away from him on my bed.

He shook his head furiously, closing the gap between us. "No way! I just wanted to know where you lived, you know, just in case." He tried to defend himself, only making it worse.

"Just in case of what?" I asked, baffled. Jinx was right in saying he was unpredictable.

"Just in case I needed to talk to you," he replied quietly, staring down at his fidgeting hands.

I knew guys like him, the ones that played the vulnerable innocent to get into girls' pants, and I wasn't about to go believe his act.

"There are plenty of other people you can talk to." I rolled my eyes as he tried to give me "The Look."
You know, the one where the guy looks deep into your eyes and makes you believe you have something special, and then three weeks later you find him making out with your best friend in the deserted science lab. It was inevitable, when he gives you "The Look".

"You're different from other girls Everly... I'm starting to feel things I've never felt before." I almost gagged in his face at his totally cliché words. To think I had almost started to like you.

"You do realise we've only known each other a day, right?" He did realise that, right?

"You're just... special," he whispered, taking my hand in his as he edged close enough for me to feel his breath on my lips. Oh hell no.

His enchanting eyes were enough to make any girl melt, but I was stronger than that.

"What are you even talking about?" I asked, my dark eyebrows raised, ruining the "moment" he probably thought we were having.

He sighed deeply before pulling away from me, leaving his fresh breath stinging my nostrils. I bet he had a mint before trying to hit on me.

"Seriously, how many other girls have you told that to?" I questioned as he stood up. He was turned away from me, facing my wardrobe.

"Not many," he muttered, his head bowed. Now he was playing the victim.

"Oh please, that's so hard to believe." I scoffed, rolling my eyes even though he couldn't see me. I stood up and walked over to him when he didn't say anything. "Auden?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed.

When he turned around, I saw his eyes were rimmed red.

"Oh, come on, you aren't crying because I rejected you, right?" Despite the confidence I felt just moments before, I started to think I might have actually hit a nerve.

He shook his head, swallowing hard. "No, um." He paused, before turning away from me again. "I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow." He walked out, leaving me speechless. He sure knew how to give a girl whiplash.

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