Pink and Pensive

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Darius' POV.
Previously on "His Alpha Her Omega"... Harper has a slight country accent when she speaks but it's barely noticeable. She's so cute. "I'm the alpha of the Day Light Pack and as you can see I'm not very good at my job. I don't like violence." Harper says with a chuckle. "Lets get you inside and cleaned up." Harper says and stands up. I shift into my wolf and follow behind her. I hope this doesn't end up like Aubin and I.

I follow behind as she takes me into a room. Everyone kept staring at me making me more anxious. The room was light pink and the bed sheets where white as snow with heart pillows and stuffed animals. "Do you like it?" She asks softly. I nod and explore a little more. Harper has a white vanity with a pink fluffy stool in front of it. 

"This is my room. I like pink fluffy things!" She yells as she jumps onto her bed. She suddenly face palms herself. "I'm so stupid. I forgot why I brought you here, my brother is letting you borrow some of his clothes until we can get you your own." She says and gives me a grey shirt and dark blue jeans with a pair of black converse. I nod and take the clothes. I walk into the bathroom and shift. Once I shut the door and start the water I realize that this is going to be harder than I thought.

30 minutes later

I open the door fully clothed and look around to find Harper putting on a leg brace. "Um, H-Harper. Can you um help me?" I ask shyly. "Mhm." She says as she finishes adjusting her brace. She walks into her closet and pulls out a wheel chair. Harper helps me get on the wheel chair and pushes me out of the room. "It's okay, I can push myself. Don't worry." I say and put my hands on the wheels. 

Harper nods and leads the way. I remember what she said about her leg and notice how in a way she does walk a bit funny. But I ignore it. We enter a room that appears to be the kitchen. "Here." She says as she hands me a tray with a sandwich, some grapes and carrots on it. I haven't seen this good food in years. 

I scarf it all down and realize how hungry I am. "Thanks." I say with a smile on my face. "Do you need anything else?" She asks. I shake my head and look around her kitchen. "Come one." Harper says as she walks outside. It's sunset. She walks over to a tree and sits on a swing. 

"You're beautiful." I say unconsciously. "I mean the sunset! It's beautiful!" I say in panic as my face turns a bright shade of red. "Not that you're not beautiful I mean-" My rambling is cut off by her heavenly laugh. "Lets go inside. Dinner is about to start." Harper says and helps push my wheel chair back inside. She helps me into a chair and sits down next to me. Soon enough, pack members begin filling up the empty seats leaving only two seats in front of us. I look at Harper and realize that she is now looking down at her lap with sad eyes. I watch as she fiddles with her shirt. What's wrong with her? 

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