Lets try

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Aubins POV.
Previously on His Alpha Her Omega... "I'm sorry." is all I manage to say. I walk over to him and ask "Are you okay?" In a whisper. And all he says is "I don't know." Before he cuddles into me and lays down. "I don't want you to take this the wrong way but how does it feel to be paralyzed." I say curiously. He looks up at me I can see tears forming in his eyes. "Physically it just feels numb as if your back legs aren't there. And emotionally you feel pathetic, helpless, and weak. You feel like there's no hope left in the world." He finishes saying and by the time he's done hes sobbing and whimpering in my lap.  
Next morning........
I wake up to see that Darius is no longer on my lap but on the bed laying down. I gasp when I see a couple of new scars and scratches on him. He opens his eyes and looks at me his eyes full of sadness. "Were did you go last night?" I ask. "What do you mean? I was here the whole night?" He says breaking a bit of my patients.

"Then why are you on the bed?" I ask trying to get him confess. "You fell asleep and I thought I was too heavy and disturbing you so I got on the bed." He says calmly. I start to get angry "Then why do you have all of those new scars and scratches" I say trying not to yell. He suddenly looks confused and scared. "What scars and scra-" He stops when he sees them. I'm confused. Why is he surprised.

He looks around at his body and new scars. He lets out a whimper and starts crying silently. "No, no, no. they won't leave me alone." He sobs. My heart shatters I cant stand to see him cry. "Hey its okay, come on you want me to try and teach you how to walk with your wheels." I say while picking him up and setting him down on the floor.

His ears flatten and he falls to the floor. He starts crying and my heart breaks. He's like this because of me. I cant give up I have to help him. "Come on lets try again." I say determined to help him. I lift him up again. His front legs wobble a lot. He takes a few steps forward and falls back again. He starts crying again. I feel a couple of warm tears roll down my face as I watch him.

Darius' POV.

I give up. I cant walk. I will never walk again. How will I protect Aubin now? All of these negative thoughts are running around on my head as I lay on the floor crying. I sniffle as I turn my head and see Aubin with tears streaming down her face. I whimper and look down.

My heart shatters she's crying because of me. I let her down. I cant let her down, not now. I try to stand up and I do but my legs gave out making me go rolling under the bed. I let out a whimper. I see Aubin peeking under the bed and reaching to get me out. No.

I scoot away and try to get up again. I crawl out from under the bed. I try to stand up. I bark happily when I finally stand up. I hear Aubin giggle behind me. I take a few steps forward after that my legs gave out. I whimper and try to stand up again but I fail. I whimper again. I try again but still nothing.

I start crying as I keep trying to stand up and failing. I try again but fail. I turn my head and look at Aubin. She gives me about smile and picks me up. "I'm sorry. I let you down." I say sadly "shh its okay, you didn't let me down I'm proud that you wont give up." She whispers soothingly as she sets me down on the bed. I close my eyes and go to sleep.

Anonymous POV.

I stand next to the beta as we watch the two mates. "When are we going to kill them?" Asks the beta. "Soon. Very soon. But the most important question is who will we kill first?"

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