Chapter: 2; Journey

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As I walked over to the car parked on the driveway across the road, more tears were falling, the thought of not seeing my father, my friends, and as weird as it seems my enemies, made me feel alone. You see I'm not the easiest of people to become friends with, I don't get along with people easily, I'll gladly state my opinions to them, and start fights, but having friends that care about you and that have you back, was something I didn't have much because of the events a few years back.

The events that happened straight after my best friend Cam left me, his family were moving away, I don't know where, but he went, he took with him memories and my emotion. Literally. Ever since he left when we were 13, our friendship since birth had vanished in one night, neither of us had contacted each other, I was afraid his parents and mine didn't let us, they let us say goodbye, but that was it, we couldn't call each other, we couldn't speak to each other. That was 3 years ago, and ever since then I haven't been the same person. In 3 years people can change, lots can happen, for me those 3 years have been, let's say, eventful.

So as I enter the car in silence with a tear stained face, I take out my headphones and phone, then plug in, 'Trigger' by Fox Stevenson blasted on full volume through the headphones as mum drove off, I sat towards the edge of the seat, furthest away from my mum, and placed my feet onto the dashboard leaning my knees on the side of the door, trying to forget the memories of the past, and the events that have happened, the events that made me who I am to this day.

I have no idea if mum tried to talk to me or look at me, if she did she would be greeted by a red faced, crying teenager bobbing her head to the beat of music which she could probably hear herself.

The hours ticked by, my songs carried on playing, until we got to the petrol station. Mum tapped me on my shoulder interrupting 'Burn' by Ellie Goulding.

"WHAT?" I snapped, as I paused the music and took my green headphones out.

"I was wondering if you wanted anything to eat or drink while we are here" she asked quietly

"Could I have Tangfastics and Red Bull" I said, it was more of a demand than a question

"Sure" she said as she exited the car and topped up the fuel.

I stepped out the car and placed my phone and headphones on my seat, I haven't texted my friends yet about me leaving, we had a leaving party last night and we said our good-byes and our parting hugs and kisses, but I didn't tell them exactly when I was leaving, knowing Jake and the gang they would have appeared at my house and stopped my devil of a mother from taking me away and they would have caused a scene, well where-ever they are they cause a scene.

I walked inside the shop, and into the bathroom, I did my business, then washed my hands and went to the car, mum was paying for the fuel and my order when I jumped back into the car and got into my comfy position, tipping my chair back a bit, because it couldn't go further as there were boxes and suitcases in the way, I leant back closing my eyes. A few moments later mum came into the car and gave me my order in silence, seeing as we wouldn't be talking I plugged back into my music and restarted Ellie Goulding 'Burn', my feet on the dashboard tapped to the beat and my head bopped as well, when the song finished I looked at the time '4pm' it read, I paused my music, took out an earphone and asked;

"How much longer?"

"Forty to fifty minutes" she answered not taking her eyes off the road

I placed my headphone back in and played the music, Bastille 'Of the night' played as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep


Those two names you would never hear alone, you would always hear them said in the same breath, in the same sentence, nobody ever thought that they would ever see the day that they would only hear only one of those names being screamed, nobody, not even Cam or myself, we were a pair, partners in crime, best friend forever, we vowed never to leave each other, but when that Saturday morning came and I had a crying Cam sitting on my bed at '3am' I knew, I just knew that it was the last time we would be together, the last time our names would be ever called together, the last time we would ever talk. Cam laid down next to me on bed, he crawled under the covers and pulled me into a hug, no words were exchanged, just tears. That was the last time I slept peacefully, it was also the last time we would sleep together and wake up in each other's arms.

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