Chapter two/Seen

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*Jacks POV*

"Why would that's surprise you?" He asked obviously puzzled.

"'s just well I am Jack Frost." I said .

"Ya...ok dude." he replied quiet annoyed.

"No! I'm serious... Here! Let me prove it to you!" I said desperately trying to keep his attention.

I gently tapped my staff to the ground forming ice patterns all around. His mouth gapped open as the color faded from his face.

"Y-you weren't kidding." He said in awe.

", I wasn't." I giggled

"I-I mean I have always believed in Jack Frost... But I never thought I'd actually meet you." He said still awestruck.

I smiled and he returned the gesture. We hung out all evening goofing off... and exchanging back stories. Then Hiccups phone rang.

"Hello?" Hiccup asked.

"Oh...ok." he said looking a bit disappointed .

"Alright...bye dad." hiccup said.

"Hey Jack?" He asked.

"Yes?" I responded slightly worried.

"My dad wants me home for the night." he says with a frown. " But, can you hang tomorrow?" He asked hope in his eyes.

"Yes of course!" I say relived glad there was no real emergency.

"Thanks!" he says wrapping his arms around me making us both fall into the snow. I felt heat began to rise into my cheeks. I was glad it was dark.

"No one has ever treated me like a friend, more or less take interest in my past life." he says a smile across his face.

"Let's meet here tomorrow at the same time,ok?" He asked

"Sure." I smile

*Hiccups POV*

Holly shit! (Excuse my French)I meet the Jack Frost! I laugh flopping onto my bed. Wow.God not only was he sweet he was really cute to! Wait. What?! Why would I think that?! I am totally and entirely straight! Right? YES! You have absolutely no choice. The entire village of Berk already hates you don't make it worse! besides you like Astrid anyways!

Do you?


Are you sure?


I then heard a familiar scratch on the door. I then open my door to see my adorable dragon Toothless come bounding in.

"Toothless!" I say with my best guilt bringing voice .

"You aren't aloud to scratch on the door any more!" I say scolding him.

"Look what you have done!" I say gesturing to the scratch marks he had left on the oak door.

He made a sad face and began to whimper like a dog.

"It's okay bud." I say giggling. God I am such a sucker.

Me and Toothless wrestle for a good two hours. After that he curled up next to my bed listening to me explain my day. I told him about Jack. About how we met. And my doubts. And how he proved me wrong. I truly don't remember how long I talked to my dragon watching his facial expressions. But eventually I dozed off.

The next morning I woke up and did my usual chores.

*Feed Toothless

*Cleaned my room

*Cleaned my bathroom

* studied for 30 minutes

* trained

By the time I was done I looked at my watch and realized I had five minutes until it was time meet Jack. I put my coat on and raced through the forest. Jack was already sitting there a warm smile spread across his face.

"What are you smiling about doofus." I joke.

"You..." he said slightly blushing.

"Really..." I taunt.

Then I felt something cold hit the back of my head. It was a snowball.

"OH! you wanna go!?!" I laughed.

"Bring it on Viking boy!" He joked "I am freaking Jack Frost, I'll kick your ass!" He snickered .

"Oh bring it on, Frosty." I exclaimed.

He formed a pile of ambition of which we would both share during the game.
He threw snowball after snowball and never failed to hit me. I pegged them at him missing multiple times. Damn him. We were down to the last snowball. We locked eyes and both jumped for it at the same time. I grabbed it but he used the wind to knock it out of my hand.

"HA" he laughed.

"Hey! That's cheating!" I blowed tackling/knocking him down.

We rolled around for a minute before we where both out of breath. I lied on top of him laughing.

"You put up a good fight Viking boy." he snickered.

"As did you Frosty." I replied.

We both laughed for second and then quieted down. Our faces where inches apart. I wanted to just kiss him.


Why not?

Because it's wrong... Besides... You know he will never feel the same way...

What's so wrong about it? Besides who are you to say that he will never feel the same way.

I must've sat there staring into his eyes for a very long time.

"Hiccup?" He said nervously. "Are you ok?" He frowned.

"Oh... um yea... I say blushing.

He then did something I never thought he would do... He cupped my face with one hand and wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me. I began to melt into the kiss... Feeling our body's pressed together and lips moving in sync. We kissed for about thirty seconds before we were both gasping for air. Quickly after we parted I realize what I had just done. I stood up slowly backing away fear creeping into my stomach... I then ran ignoring Jack's distance calls.

"HICCUP COME BACK!" Jack cried "I am sorry!" he cried.

But it was no use I was already on my feet running.

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