chapter ten ~ let me find revenge

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I sat in the front of Al's truck the next morning, after he told me he'd be picking me up.
He'd told me it was to do with maintaining the current status of my Mini - i.e. keeping all four wheels intact after what we were about to do to Charlotte Manson.

My stomach was at my ankles.

Jayden, on the other hand, was perched on Al's backseat, an excited glint in his eyes.

"Nervous, Edwards?" He asked with a wicked grin.

I turned around and scowled, "Zip it, Bachelor. You don't know the struggles of being a girl in high school."

Al laughed, "All he knows is the ease of being the captain of the basketball team."

What Al said warmed my heart, for Jay's sake. When I looked back again, a small smile tugged at his lips.

"And top Physics student." I remarked with a wink.
Was he blushing?
He was totally blushing.

Al had parked at the back of the school's lot, his truck submerged in the crowd of other beat-up trucks. Excitedly, he climbed out and circled to the back of the vehicle, popping open the back flap of the trunk and pulled out a large box.

I felt my saliva thicken, as I struggled to swallow.

Unfortunately for me, Alistair Kress is the school's prankster. Apparently, he could get away with murder here.
The main problem being that I was not. And I would not get away with these things.

Jayden told me to trust him, and I did.

I was worried that what we were doing today was going to earn me a lot more than distance from Charlotte Manson - and that was having my head shredded.

But it was sadly impossible to resist. Al had gone shopping yesterday for all of these supplies, and letting him down now was going to be out of the question.

I wasn't really sure exactly what I'd gotten myself into, I just knew it was going to be very interesting to see what she followed up with.

So as he pulled my door open, and Jay appeared beside me, he reached into the 'Box of Mysteries' as he'd called it, and chucked a handful of Play-Doh tubs at me.

"First," he said with a grin, "today, as you might know if you'd checked the forecast, we are due rain this afternoon. What I need you to do, is pull up your hood, go over to that silver Mercedes, and stick a ball of each colour to the windscreen wiper in a line. Preferably in colour order."

My eyes travelled across the lot to the silver Mercedes he'd been referring to.
The number plate wasn't private, but I could bet my bottom dollar it was Charlotte's, or one of her groupies.

I sighed, "And what if I get caught?"

He beamed, "You get a detention. So what? I still have plenty more tricks up my sleeve."

To him, a detention was nothing. To me? It was a lot more. I shook my head, "You do it."

Al's brow furrowed, "You know, it's not really revenge if you get someone to do your dirty work for you. I mean, I'm sure Manson stuck tampons to your locker herself. I'll do it, and I'll take the fall if I get caught, but it won't stop me trying again."

He made a point. This was my payback.
And besides, I'd always been the good girl back in Houston, and I'd been the quiet girl with the target on my back here.

So, after a moment's hesitation, I set the Play-Doh on the back of his truck and scooped a ball out of each one, before shutting the lids.
As I made my way over, after pulling up my hood, he thumped me on the back.

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