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Peppertony/Pepperony: Pepper Potts + Tony Stark

Why people ship them:

Pepper and Tony have a long history, and they are married and canon. Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow themselves are fans of this ship and even referred to themselves as Pepperony. It's one of the only canon ships that are good, and it is rumoured that in Avengers 4 that they will have a child.

Do I ship it?
Ok, I honestly don't ship this anymore. In Avengers I shipped it, but I watched Iron Man 3 and now I just see Pepper as a little whiny. She makes Tony choose between her or the suits (which is a way he copes with his anxiety, mind you) and she was taking a break or something from him in Civil War? Pepperony? No thanks.

Let me know what you think!

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