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Stevebucky/Stucky: Steve Rogers + Bucky Barnes

Why people ship them:

I thought I'd start with probably the most shipped pairing in the fandom: Stucky!

So why do people ship this? They've been best friends since childhood, they went through World War II together. Steve chased down bucky in The Winter Soldier to protect him. In Civil War, Steve chased down Bucky again, defying the United Nations to once again to protect him. He eventually got his friend to safety and transferred him to Wakanda where he could live in peace, until... ya, know... Infinity War. All the shipping motivation is all there

Do I ship them?

MY. OTP. The top of the list on my favourite ships... it's just so pure. They're soulmates, they'd do anything for each other. AGH. What annoys me most is that if Bucky was a girl... they'd have made him the love interest before you could say "I can do this all day". 

(also Seb said that the only reason Bucky hasn't killed himself is because of Steve, which is the most melting thing ever)

What do you think? Please don't hate any ships put in this dictionary, just have civil discussions.

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