Chapter sixteen// Light & Dark

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Elle Summerall~

Ethan approached me with his face puzzled. Lightly pushing me back into the room and shutting the door for privacy, he placed his hands on my shoulders with a gentleness I've only seen when he was around Julia. He eyed my appearance. Why is he looking at me like that?

I could not recall why I was in a stranger's bedroom nor how I ended up there. The last action of mine that I could remember was leaving the ice cream parlor. Why can't I remember anything? My head felt heavy, like my brain was pounding against my forehead. And I was very cold. 

"Elle," Ethan breathed, guiding me to sit on the bed. When Ethan proceeded to sit next to me, it was like distinct points of my memory came crashing back. I was at a party...I was drinking...I was on a bed...Somebody came on top of me...Somebody kissed me...Somebody raped me.

I shivered and rushed off the bed and into a corner, coiling my body into a compact position. I then understood why Ethan was looking at me the way he was, why he looked so concerned when he saw me call his name. I was stunned to see him standing in the corridor in my state of confusion. It was like God dropped him from the sky and said, "Elle needs someone. She needs you."

He knew. He knew what had happened to me.

My eyes squeezed shut as tight as possible, and I couldn't conceal the heavy breathing and waterfall like tearing that followed. My every breath was like a fish gasping for air and the wheezing established the toxic particles roaming the atmosphere--that room was vile, disgusting, malicious, and everything in between because it was the captivity where my innocence was stolen, where I couldn't be the tough girl that I thought I was.

And the bed that I sat upon...with sheets that acted as a spider's web...tangling me into a trap...

Although Ethan's movements were subtle, everything in my mind seemed at a fast pace. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around me to cover the bare skin that I had just realized was visible. I then understood why I was so cold.

Ethan gulped, as if he couldn't admit what he knew was the truth. "Did...Did somebody hurt you?" he forced himself to ask.

Through the panting, I was able to nod my head, trailed by more tears. I couldn't even see at this point.

But I could feel. And I felt arms wrap around me, protecting me from the pain and suffering the room contained. I felt dirty and being touched was the last thing I needed at that time, but Ethan's contact with my curled up body was able to sedate some of the anxiousness in me.

"Who?" he whispered. "Who hurt you?"

But I simply shook my head. I couldn't bring myself to speak the repugnant name laced with repulsive remembrance.

Ethan understood, and at that moment, he knew what I needed was comfort. He didn't force anything out of me or force me to explain what occurred or force me to disclose my reason for being at a party. He didn't lecture me or accuse me or blame me for being raped.

He was just...there. And in that evil room, with all of the darkness surrounding me, he was the light sheltering me.

Author's Note:  I know it's short, but I didn't think much could be said between Ethan and Elle at a time like that. So I gave them a short, bittersweet moment to conclude that wild day. Thanks for reading!

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