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The Doctor lay prone on the floor of the TARDIS, while she flew on the auto- pilot setting, cruising gently through myriad solar systems. He was lying in his usual lying down position; hands tucked behind his head , gangly legs askew. He gazed round the oh so familiar surroundings; the TARDIS lights blinking and flashing reassuringly.  He was alone in the TARDIS ; with no companion and wasn’t sure if he would ever want anyone to travel with him ever again. That was the Time Lords curse he thought sadly; doomed to outlive and loose every companion he had ever had or remain alone … the loneliest man in the Universe.   It was just a few short months since the TARDIS had been full of joy and laughter as companions and friends past and present had joined forces to return the Earth home to her rightful place in the universe. Now every one had gone … even Donna… The bravest and most loyal of all. The Doctor blinked rapidly; that moment , when he had had to erase Donna’s mind of any memory of him and their travels together- for her safety ; so it was the right thing to do; broke his hearts most of all. The TARDIS chose this moment to suddenly lurch violently forward , she was no longer cruising; she was on course to a particular destination . Somewhere not programmed by The Doctor .

‘What? What!!’ Instantly, The Doctor was on his feet and at the TARDIS controls pulling and pressing levers in a manner that would look erratic to any one but a Time Lord. But the TARDIS refused to budge from the course she had set . ’What’s the matter with you? Come on ! Why won’t you change?’ The Doctor paced up and down then .. He wrenched open the TARDIS door to get a better look at where he was. ‘Oh Oh .. I see’ The Doctor whipped off his glasses as he gazed at a very familiar solar system , Earths.

Donna woke early, she never slept well these days. The dreams she had saw to that. Every night she had the most vivid dreams ; dreams full of strange fantastical things, dreams she couldn’t make sense  of. When she’d first mentioned them to Gramps she could have sworn he blanched; but then he’d quickly recovered himself and make some jokey aside about not eating cheese right before bedtime . So she’d never mentioned them again as she didn’t want to worry Gramps , dear Gramps her beloved Gramps . He had always been there for her ever since she could remember ; and he had been a real rock to her and mum after dad had died, she loved him to bits. ‘Donna! DONNA!’ her mum was yelling for her to get up and have some breakfast before her interview at the  agency. Sighing she threw the duvet back and padded out of her bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen. ‘Oh there you are.’ Her mother looked up crossly ‘Come on I don’t know what the matter is with you these day’s.Look at you , your interview is in an hour and you’re not even dressed!’

Oh mum I’ll be ready, and its not an interview it’s only to put me on their agency books!’ Donna made a grab for some toast and poured herself some juice. ‘Can I use the car then ?’

‘Of course you can’ . Sylvia came and sat next to her daughter. ‘Look sweetheart I know you think I’m a terrible nag.’ ignoring Donna’s raised eyebrow she continued. ‘I just want what’s best for you. You haven’t been yourself since you…’ Donna looked at her, puzzled . ‘Since I what?’

‘Oh nothing ,it doesn’t matter. You just don’t seem to enjoy temping anymore that‘s all. Enjoyed the variety; that’s what you said. ’ Donna shrugged ‘I just feel there’ s more interesting things out there mum.’ Of course Donna meant jobs but Wilfred Mott who had heard the last bit of the conversation shot his daughter a warning look. ‘What your mum means love is that even a temporary job is better than nothing.’ ‘I know Gramps.’ Donna got up, giving her grandfather a hug ‘Better go and make myself look presentable then.’ she smiled as she went off upstairs.

Once he was sure his Granddaughter was out of earshot Wilf rounded on Sylvia ‘What are you playing at? You can’t start talking to her about him !’ ‘Him?’ Sylvia stood at the sink ;shoulders set rigidly , as she washed the breakfast dishes perhaps a little too vigorously . ‘You know who I’m talking about - The Doctor .’ This was said a little more gently. ‘You’re the one doing the talking about him!’ Sylvia spun round to face her father ‘I said from the start that man was nothing but trouble. But you had to encourage her didn’t you! Look at the state she was in when he brought her back!’ Wilfred looked crestfallen ‘Bit harsh love.’ 

‘Oh dad I’m sorry , I didn’t mean it like that. I just worry and yes I feel a bit left out I ‘spose.’ Sylvia Noble had long since suspected that her father had known more about Donna’s time with this strange man , The Doctor , than he let on. Finally the old man let out a sigh. ‘Look ,she’s home, she’s safe ,and we both know that we have to keep it that way.’ Sylvia nodded and patted her fathers arm. Wilfred Mott wandered off into the living room but try as he might he couldn’t shake off the feeling of dread that had taken hold of him. 

The Doctor was still recovering from the shock of realising that he was back in the far reaches of Earths solar system. 'Why now?’ He asked aloud. He couldn’t possibly risk going there could he? Not now. Oh he loved that planet and its people. Of the many places and species that had crossed his path this planet had a special hold over him. But to go back now after what had happened to Donna? Well it didn’t look as though the TARDIS was giving him a choice as she sped past  icy Pluto, through the beautiful rings of Saturn. Earthbound. The Doctor would have had even more cause for concern over the safety of his former companion had he known that at this very moment , across the galaxy , beyond the Medusa Cascade something malevolent was watching over The Earth.




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