C H A P T E R- 27

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Days passed into weeks, weeks passed into months but what you can solely recall is the faint memories he shared with you.

It has been over three months now that you last met him.
Well you did ask jungkook on email to pass your resignation letter for you to sign on it but you never got your consideration from him..
As much terrible as it sounds but you had no other choice but to move on ahead in life.. because that's what exactly life demands from you.

You have to accept every challenge that life imposes upon you, you have to seek all these circumstances not as threats but as challenges because apparently that's the only key or a tactic to combat and move on..

And you are trying to make your truce with it.

Initially right after your discharge about three months ago from the hospital, taehyung was a bit off guard around you.. as though he doesn't literally knows how to be around you but things slowly got back to normalcy just a few days henceforth and throughout the span of those past three months tae's decided to keep a track on you..

He has legit become your personal health care service provider f'real- from listening to your rubbish whines about nothing serious to fulfilling all those shameless cravings to pampering you during the times when you felt down or showing utmost concern for all those sudden braxton hicks and 'out of nowhere' dizzy spells.. this guy had got your back! and especially now that you are slowly approaching your due date.. which happens to be in few weeks or perhaps more.. man he's gotten way more serious than ever, well certainly he's some angel in disguise which god surely has sent you as a beautiful present.

"My accountant will be coming in an hour.. there's some tax issues we gotta discuss.." he says as he refills your jug with luke warm water just like how your doctor had suggested you since cold water isn't good for your at-the-moment health and so, although it had been a hard journey for you to avoid your ice cravings but taehyung has made it sure to be strict just when it comes to your health, taken the fact that how much you and the baby went through in the past months..

You make an oh sound as a reply while caressing your 8 months old belly. You entangle your legs further for the umpteenth time in the pregnancy pillow as remaining still in a particular position was one big goal these days.. surely pregnancy isn't as easy as you had thought when your sister went through the same phase..

You remember how you would say that she's putting up an act whenever she would whine in front of jimin about her cramps and cranky mood swings but now you literally regret blurting all that non sense out to her when you yourself are going through the same..

You pout as you look at taehyung who now takes a turn to make his exit out of your room..

"Tae.." you mumble and smile at him to which he replies with the same facial expression..

"I just wanted to say two things to you.."

He locks his arms together and takes support by the wall as he now fully draws his attention to you

"You'll be a great father and a husband one day.. the way you take care of someone like me.. a liability.." you sigh simultaneously whilst gulping a huge lump in your throat, "I just can't thank you enough.."

"Thank you for the compliment miss but I'd like to say something as well....
You'll make a good mother, y/n.. I'm sure the kid will grow up with great morals and kindness just like you."

Not surprisingly a blush formulates around your cheeks and naturally, for a second, you avoid your constant gaze from his face and look down to your enlarge belly.

He chuckles and clears his throat, "what was the other thing you wanted to say.."

You look up again back into those dark eyes of his, "I uh... oh right.... Well the thing is that I want you to b-"

Playful Kiss (19+ j.jk ff) (Completed ✔)Where stories live. Discover now