Roommates/Prank War

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    You went into the bathroom, trying to be as quiet as you could. Lately you and Luke had been in a bit of a prank war, and it was time for you to strike back after the whole "bucket of water over the door" trick Luke had pulled. You grabbed Luke's hairdryer, and started pouring baby powder and glitter into it. As soon as you finished you heard footsteps and knew Luke was up, meaning he was gonna need to take a shower.

You giggled as you silently ran into the living room and sat down, acting like you had been watching tv the whole time. "Well if it isn't Sleeping Beauty." You said while smirking at the tired looking Luke. Luke flipped you off while walking to the bathroom. You sat there and listened, hearing the shower turn on then a few seconds later, Luke started singing like he always does. You listened to him sing, all the while giggling at how he was in for it when he got out.

10 minutes later, the shower turned off and you muted the tv, waiting to hear what happened. You heard Luke squeal and knew he had turned his hairdryer on. "Y/N!!!!!!!!" Luke yelled as he ran out of the bathroom.

You looked at Luke's glittery, powdered face and lost it. "O MY GOD LUKE YOUR FACE!" You cackled as you fell over on the couch clutching your side. Luke stared at you, unamused, as you started crying from how hard you were laughing. Slowly, a smile started to grow on Luke's face as he watched you laugh.

You usually didn't laugh like this, you had always tried to keep your real laugh from coming out since you hated it so much. Ever since the other boys and a few other friends had said your laugh sounded like a dying animal, you had stopped truly laughing at stuff. Instead you would cover your mouth or just hold it all in. As Luke stood there watching you laugh, he realized how bad he had fallen for you.

Not that you would know, he had kept his feelings hidden because he didn't want to ruin your friendship. Especially after you had moved in with him as a roommate. But after standing there watching you laugh and smile and look so beautiful, he couldn't help it. "I think I love you."

Luke's eyes widened as he realized he said that out loud. You immediately stopped laughing and looked up at Luke. "What?" Luke swallowed the lump in his throat and decided it was time to come clean. "I I know that I love you and... I think we should be more than just best friends because I really really like you." You stared at Luke with big eyes before speaking.

"You don' you really..." You stopped and narrowed your eyes at Luke. "Wait. Is this a prank? It is isn't it? There's no way this is real. It has to be a prank." Luke didn't respond while you slightly smiled. "Nice prank Lucas, but next time you gotta say something more believable than 'You love me'. You almost had me though."

Luke's face fell a bit and you raised your eyebrow. " was a prank...just a stupid prank." You frowned as Luke walked out of the room and into the bathroom.

What was up with him?

AN: I can do a Part 2 if you want...just lmk what you guys think :D

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