Why don't you join me instead?

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"You are right. I did not come over just to have my throat ripped open by you, talk about shape shifting after healing myself and leave again. I came to ask you to join me" , he blurted out. You raised your eyebrows in disbelieve.

This was the second man today, offering you to join his little army. Little army? Did Loki have one? And what did this army fight for? Not for world peace, you were sure about this one.

"Do you have an army then? What do you fight for? And why should I join you? I don't know nothing about you but your name and that you are quite powerful" , you asked all the questions wandering around your brain.

"I do not have an army. Why should I need one? I am powerful enough on my own. I fight for peace. Peace for this planet. If I am in charge I will make this humans respect their planet. This is your aim too, isn't it? This should be reason enough for you to join me. We could fight for this aim together!" , he explained. This wasn't enough for you though. This actually was nothing. Only more questions came up.

"And how the hell are you planning to achieve this peace? Without an army? You furthermore didn't tell me who you are! A name is simply not enough" , you revealed your doubts.

"Well ... you could call for all the animals on Midgard and they will be our army. They will fight for us. And then you and I will be there and ..." You disrupted him with an angry snarl.

"I. Am. Not. Going. To. Let. The. Animals.Fight. For. Your. Selfish. Aims!" , you groaned, slowly lowering your head, threatening Loki. He backed off in surprise. He clearly didn't expect you to react like this. He was overthrown by your anger. He had somehow miscalculated your temper.

"You do not differ a slight bit from this self-centred, gutless, reckless coward Stark! You would sacrifice this animals without a blink or a whimper. You would use them for your purpose without ever asking them for their opinion because they are TOO INNOCENT TO MISTRUST ME AND TO DISREGARD MY ORDERS. I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERNT. For a short moment I really thought you were different. I thought I could join you because the aim was right", your voice became louder while talking but in the end you only whispered. Your sad eyes focused on Loki who stared at you rather blankly.

You really had thought that this stranger, this god, would differ from the rest. How naive you had been.

"Uhm..." , he muttered, searching for words.

"Uhm!" , you hissed, rushing to the door in such a fast pace that Hades nearly fell of your shoulder. With an angry groan you ripped the door open to make Loki leave.

"Wait!" , he insisted, suddenly standing beside you and slightly touching your arm. You stumbled back, your body boiling with anger. In any other situation you would have been happy about this gesture but not now.

"Don't you dare touch me!" , you snarled. He let his hand sink to his side, his blue eyes had lost their gleam. He seemed somehow hopeless. If you hadn't been that angry you would have hugged him and told him that everything would be good in the end. But you were angry and so you just stared at him.

"I'm very sorry. I didn't think of it that way... I ..."

"YOU DIDN'T THINK AT ALL!" , you interrupted him, clenching your fists.

"I ... I am sorry, Lady (y/n). I really am sorry. I didn't want to make you angry. Really. Just let me think this through. I'm sure there is a way to achieve peace on earth without using your animals" , he tried to calm you down and he looked very cute when he did this. You sighed. How could you possibly be angry at this puppy? Well, you clearly were.

"Send him away! Send him away! Better kill him! Kill him!" , demanded Hades on your shoulder, clacking his beak in excitement.

"I already told you that I can't just kill him!", you snapped at the bird and it shut it's beak, sulkily looking at.

Animals (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now