Lament - D. T. Roberts

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  • Dedicated to Kaylee and Henry

He is gone.

The love of my life,

the star that shined so bright through the dark nights,

the one I held dearest to me

is gone.

And though I suffer

I suffer alone.

For the world will move on,

time will progress,

people will continue on with their daily lives

not noticing one less boy in their world

in their town

in their neighborhood.

His absence leaves an absence in me,

ever growing, from my stomach,

to my chest to my limbs

to my skull,

to my brain.

And I fear the day I will feel nothing,

see nothing, hear nothing,

exist without existing,

living on a mundane plane

where my body no longer contains a soul

but is an empty shell.

Mourn or move on,

mourn or move on?

The choice seems clear

but is it my choice to make?

Can I simply choose

to let go

to be free from the sorrow

that resides in my heart,




In every inch of my being?

If tis so,

won't someone please show me

the way to escape the emotional trauma

I've experienced day

after day

after day?

Help me evade this never-ending agony?

I feel as though

one person could understand

the misery of my days,


He is gone.

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