Chapter 3

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"Great," I mumbled, staring at the screen of my laptop. We really should have registered before. Almost all of the classes were totally full already. Most of the ones that had multiple spots open, were during the times I was working.

"Did you find anything?" I asked, clicking on another History section and frowning when I saw only one open spot. Again.

A minute went by and Ben didn't answer. Curiously, I looked up to find his attention on something across the room. We were in the Commons and it was pretty packed, so it took me a second to realize that he was watching a blonde girl.

Of course.

Annoyed, I smacked his arm.

"Huh?" He turned to me, looking startled.

"I asked if you found anything." I huffed. "I'm not seeing many classes with more than one spot open."

Ben looked at his laptop for a second. "There's an English class at eight that has a few spots open."

I groaned. I hated getting up early, but apparently I didn't have much choice.

"I guess it's better than nothing," I said, leaning over to look at the section number.

After almost two hours, Ben and I had two early morning classes together - English and History. The rest of our schedules were completely different. I suppose I should feel lucky, especially since we were able to get the same lunch hours, but I just felt depressed. I'd been counting on being able to stick pretty close to Ben, and now I was barely going to see him during the day.

To make everything worse, my schedule was totally crazy. Ben was able to arrange his classes so that he'd be done around one or two most days. With my work schedule, I was going to be busy until about five every day. There were a few random hours I had free in the day, but to me that just seemed like a waste of time.

"I guess you'll be able to take naps," Ben joked.

I gave him a small smile. "This is awful," I whined.

"Well, at least we know for next semester," he said.

That was true, but it didn't help me now.

"Excuse me," a petite red head said from the next table, getting our attention.

"Do you guys know how to do this?" She turned her laptop so we could see the registration screen. "I'm not really sure how to put it through."

She was closest to me, but she was smiling at Ben. I wanted to roll my eyes because it wasn't hard to figure out.

"Sure." Ben stood and moved to her table. Taking the mouse from her, he clicked on a few things before asking if she was sure she had everything right.

Her answer was overly friendly. She smiled and started asking Ben questions. After a few seconds, I knew they'd be at it for a little while. Having absolutely no desire to witness that, I stood, deciding to find something else to do.

"Coffee," I said, when Ben looked at me curiously.

"Get me one," he said before remembering his new friend. "Would you like a coffee?" he asked her.

"Sure." She smiled.

Fantastic. Now I had to bring them refreshments.

Suppressing another eye roll, I nodded, grabbed my money, and headed for the cafe. I stood in line for a few minutes before someone spoke from behind me.

"Caffeine addict?"

Curiously, I turned to see a tall-ish guy with dark hair and brown eyes. I glanced around for a second before I realized that he was talking to me.

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