The journey

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With Jake in front of me I saw nothing but I heard Snows bellow Jake turned and took one look at the massive fight now happening on the mountain behind us and keep us heading towards the capital

" Wait why are you leaving Snow back there you heard him bellow back there he might need your help"

"No Snow told me to keep you safe and head to the capital to find his friend in the palace" Jake turned back around but the last words he said to me before he speed the horse up was "I'm sorry but he will return to us" and with that we keep heading straight towards the capita, after riding for half a day we arriving at a small temple outside of Edo as Jake got down and turned to help Sophie off the horse she was not there but she was already half way across the court yard as Jake started to run after her he noticed more horses in the stable which was strange as monks didn't keep horses so who do they belong he had no time to worried as he had to protect Sophie, Jake started to run after Sophie but as Jake entered the temple he saw a few more people who were not monks at least not yet so Jake went over and sat next to them "what brings you this way friends"

"I'm resting up for the long road ahead"

" where are you heading"

" I'm going to Hakone mountain"

" I would avoid that area for the moment as there is a big fight going on up there" the man looked at Jake with a sly look but answered with a grin

"thanks for the advice friend" and with that the two strangers got up and left the temple

" Sophie are you ready we are almost to the capital"

"Yes let's go",as the sun started to set Sophie and Jake arrived in the capital all they're had to do then was make it to the palace to find Snows friend as soon as Jake thought of Snow he stopped the horse and sighed " is something the matter Jake"

" no I just needed to catch my breath"

" ok let's keep moving as we're almost there" the pair crossed a small foot bridge and saw the castle come in to view

"lets hope we all meet up again"

"I know we will"replied Sophie, But as Sophie and Jake entered the castles courtyard a group of guards rushed at them and started shouting questions at Jake like

"who are you" another shouted

"why are you here" the wall of noise keep getting louder until Sophie got off the horse and turned towards the guards their faces went expressionless for a moment till one of them bowed and made a path for the two of them to walk thorough right to the castle doors where they're where greeted by Yoshihto The emperors son and Snows friend

" I'm glad you are safe my friends but tell me where is my brother Snow" Jake looked at Sophie and let her answer as she was the closes to both Snow and Yoshihto

"he is still at Hakone mountain fighting the last time I saw him "

"is that true Jake"

"yes your highness the situation was grim as I left may I speak of this later " as he glanced over at Sophie

" I will grant it and send a back up squad if the situation calls for" Sophie shot up from the floor she was siting on anger flashed in her eyes " it calls for it right away " Jake put his hand on her shoulder and turned her out of the room

"I will speak of the matter after you highness"as Jake and Sophie left the room ,Sophie turned to Jake in a furious rage why are you on Yoshihto's side aren't you Snows friend and lieutenant

"I am but I also serve the emperor and his son Yoshihto Who you almost insulted back there"


"As u wish" and with that Jake closed the doors and sat on a little seat at the side of the door and Sophie climbed on to her new bed in her room in the place and feel asleep dreaming of home but as she sleeped she saw images of snow fighting in battle but she saw him look at her and smile but only for a moment as he was gone back in to the madness of the fighting, Sophie keep floating till she saw Jake siting outside her door everyone wanted to go inside of the door to see her but Jack keep turning people away Sophie floated down next to Jake and planted a kiss on his cheek

"thank you for everything Jake " as she went deeper in to the palace she found Yoshihto arguing with his father to send reinforcements to Hakone mounting but the empire was havering none of it until Yoshihto said he will go himself that's when Sophie awoke with a shock.

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