Chapter 3 - Thousand Sunny-go

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I have returned, for One Piece fanfics are just sooo great but somewhat lacking in quantities compared to Naruto, it's kind of a shame. One Piece is just as good, so I really am determined to continue and finish this fic!

Please tell me what you think of this chapter and the fic as a whole! This chapter is much longer than the ones before this and I'm not sure which one is better. I didn't keep track while typing and this one chapter had been sitting for so long that the latter half is typed months apart from the first half, so there's probably some mistakes here and there...

Pairings : Undecided
Disclaimer : I own only the OCs.

Chapter 3 - Thousand Sunny-go

Tensions are back in the air as the newest addition onboard is engaged in a heated stare-off contest with the relentless swordsman. It's clear that neither side is going to step down first, having their prides on the line, and similar rockheads despite the girl's deceiving appearance.

"I will have to decline, Roronoa-san," Fe intones clearly, her gaze still locked with the green-haired male, whose frown deepens more. Like a child who is denied his sweets. However, the hard grip on his sword-hilts hasn't faltered. "If an opportunity arises for me to display my swordsmanship, it will be on the enemies and certainly not on my clients."

The rejection in her speech is crystal-clear, yet Zoro wouldn't back down from a potential sword-fight. He rarely meets someone who earns his immediate recognition, one who is familiar with the ways of sword. As a fellow swordsman, he knows from the way she carries herself that she is exceptionally learned in the way of sword. And the sword hanging off her back is of a quality he wants for himself. Needless to say, he can't just let the chance slips by.

Even when Zoro is keeping quiet, from his firm stance and grip, Fe can tell he is not accepting her refusal. Too bad for him, Fe is just as stubborn, and she rarely, if not never, loses in a verbal fight.

"As you can see, I've just arrived from a long journey and am physically weary. I'm not in my best condition for a sword-fight. Even then, you still want this sparring?" Fe asks boredly, her assessing sapphire eyes seems to pierce through even the hardest of rocks, and resolutions.

"Che," Zoro reluctantly lowers his swords, straightens his back and sheathes his swords back in his waist. He is not satisfied but he's just not going to fight a tired opponent who is clearly not in the mood. "Guess I'll be doing weight trainings..." he mutters in a slightly dejected tone, turning his back on the rest of the crews as he returns to the crow's nest.

"Zoro's in a bad mood," Luffy adds from the sideline with a grin. As dense as he is, even he knows the swordsman is disappointed from the rejection. "Usopp, let's go back to fishing! I want sharks!" he shouts joyfully as he walks to the railings with the wooden pole resting on his shoulder, causing the string to wiggle as he walks.

"Y-Yeah..!" Usopp stammers, warily eyeing the girl next to Nami as he hurriedly follows his Captain to the edge of the ship. Something in him is strongly warning him that the girl is dangerous, really dangerous. Then again, almost everyone onboard is considered dangerous, having 'WANTED Dead or Alive' written down on their self-portraits issued by the government.

Nami sighs. She can finally let her shoulders relaxed when the tensions disappears as Zoro backed down. Honestly, she can never rest easy with these crazy crewmates. What's more now with an assassin onboard whose intention is vague and loyalty questionable at best. Although the girl has made it clear that she is an ally to them, the fact of potential danger nonetheless remains.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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