Kiss Cam

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Ready the camera to take the shots

Ready the script, we always forgot

Ready the emotions to be strangely felt

As we start the show and share them our thing.

Maybe we have better ideas

And they have much more curious minds

Maybe we'd like to please them

So we gave in to what they like.

Then our segment Kiss Cam started

We plan, disagree and discuss about it

We fool around and had fun doing it

And they love us as our emotions got clouded.

So maybe we do have better ideas

But they have better understanding of what we have

That all those kisses and emotions captured

Though we don't admit, it shows

It tells the truth we always ignore

The fact that we do love each other.


Have you guys read Kiss Cam by @KiaraLondon ? If yes, do you think my poem even get close to the story?

If not, you can click the external link. Hope you had fun reading..and maybe, judge me later? hehe

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