chapter two: I'm floating?! And who are YOU..

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As the drugs..or what ever it was. Ran its course I felt on top of the world (which complimented the drugs theory nicely) I felt as if I was floating, flying really and I imagined I was high in the clouds with the birds as free as you can be leaving my world of misery and pain, quite literally below me with the fools that are vampires. Don't get me wrong before the revolution I was like every team Edward fan girl (Jacob just never appealed to me) but my entire opinion of the supernatural has been changed after what was unleashed on my family,friends... And the whole human race. Yes flying seems to be my cure after heartbreak, I've never known why they chose to keep me alive I mean what is SOO special about me that I had to be kept alive just to become a slave, it doesn't even matter because at one point I will die and what will happen then? The questions unravelled in my head as I slowly descended from my kingdom in the clouds. I was losing height quicker that I wanted like a cannon almost, a cannon which will crash and burn never to be found in the rubble that its impact has conjured. Left to disintegrate into the unknown and be completely forgotten about. Yes reality hit hard as I was sub merging from my high and with it came the impact of a cannon hitting the insides of my head and pulling me under into a dreamless and black slumber.

I woke with a start. My vision was unreliable and their was a little ringing in my ears but apart from that I felt fine, I was almost sure I had no wounds or I would have thought I would have felt them by now. As my senses picked up I could feel I was in a VERY plush and expensive room. It was like the rooms you see that belong to Disney princesses not a drugged human slave girl. Everything in the room had baby blue lace around it even the wardrobe! Wait a WARDROBE I suddenly remembered my love of clothes and how I would go shopping at least once a week with my friends they told me I was like Alice Cullen I laughed at that then but now it sickens me to the core for being compared to even a fictional vamp is insulting to me now. I jumped up a bit too quickly in my sudden eagerness just to have a peek inside so I fell on to the mahogany flooring. After a few minutes I got up, slowly and made my way over to the wall length wardrobe. I opened one side to see all my older dreams come true the shelves where packed with designer skinny jeans, tank tops,T-shirts and boob tubes. It took everything I had not to jump around and scream but to remember that some one had drugged me and taken me here and that anything could happen to me at any moment. I still went to the middle section of the wardrobe just to see what else there was in here and found row after row of shoes!! From stilettos to slippers, Jimmy choo to converse it had everything and more! I was more eager than before to look into the last section and see what other treasures where their when their was a knock at the door. What?! Who knocks on the door of a girl they've knocked out and kidnapped?! (not complaining about the kidnapped bit though). So I went to then edge of the bed (also covered with blue lace) and gave an uncertain

'''' Making it sound more like a question than a reply to the knock there was a very faint chuckle as the door inched open to revel a strikingly handsome young man..well vampire but u know what I mean..well I know what I mean but anyway! He had hair the colour of dark chocolate and piercingly bright green eyes that could easily hold you captive without a second thought he was tall about 6,3 and you could tell by the way he was dressed he was quite muscular even for a vampire. He was dressed simply but not in an unflattering way a basic black fitted shirt that highlighted his muscles and dark tight jeans with a pair of black converse trainers.

I then realised I had been staring for WAY too long and looked down feeling the blood rush to my face devastatingly embarrassed. Since when did I notice a vamp that much? He chuckled again so I guess I was forgiven for being so rude.

''So now that you've stopped staring at me (he winked) would you like to know what's going on? Or would u like to continue staring, either one I won't mind'' he said in a velvet purr but still muted even though he spoke as if I where across a classroom of bubbly children. I then reminded myself get a grip he's a vamp don't fall for his tricks! So in a bored voice I said

'I'd rather the first, but thanks for the offer' with a sly smirk there! That'll show him I don't care! After that their was a tense couple of seconds but he regained himself quickly and took a few steps closer to me so that he didn't have to talk so loud.

'Well first things first,'' be began ' do you like your room because you will be staying here and whilst your here the closet (he pointed at the wardrobe) is yours and so's everything in it'' I had to smile at the thought of all those clothes with MY name on them and he took my smile as a yes and prepared to tell all...



Right so tell me what yous think and tell me if u want anything changed/added/put into the story line just say

+ once again all constructive criticism and other comments are welcomed n I hope u enjoyed


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