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Ceres V. Hale struggled to breath as cold fingers wrapped themselves around her throat, her own hands trying to fight off the dark that was coiling in her skin. She was faint from blood loss, and no power of witchcraft can close her wounds now; she was too weak, too beaten up. She was dying.

"Where is it?" The million voices hissed, a mixture of a male and a female, with the high piping of a child. "Give it to us and you'll live."

"I don't care if I die." She choked the words out, and managed to smile wickedly at the demon. "By now, it won't be important any longer."

"Suum de hoc mundo." She continued as the claws tore through her skin like ribbons, pain shooting up her whole head. "Ne obliviscaris verborum eius!"

Thunder crackled ahead, but it was none of the atmosphere's doing. It was the demon's own wail as it flung the corpse of the White witch down to the ground, its thousand voices hissing in anger and fury.

"She will be mine!" It howled as black fire erupted from its mouth. "She will be mine!"

And it slunk down, its scales and claws falling away, and donned the skin of a mortal, looking at the witch's twisted body, her eyes staring at the heavens. He growled, canine teeth showing out of a perfectly shaped mouth, and walked away into the rain, dissolving into a dark mist that seeped into the ground before a rumbling ten-wheeler screeched aside to see the body on the road.


**A/N: This has nothing to do with Vampire Chronicles: Bloodline. It could be a modified version of the Greek Myth of Persephone and Hades, and nope, not much like Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson, though my OC can have his same name, but not same person. There'll be some swear words, don't tell me I didn't remind you! And there'll be a lot of werewolves and vampires, demons and angels, witches, practically everything I can think of that suits the plot line. Drop by votes if you enjoyed the story, or comments if I did any errors on grammar and spelling. Am also open to ideas of yours, so, feel free to tell me. Thanks for reading!

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