Leon (Teaser)

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The doctor made him uneasy, some sort of gut feeling told him Doctor Zoltis van der Heim was not only untrustworthy but dangerous. Besides the fact, Leon was glad to leave the hospital and go home. Sure he was out for three months but Leon just wanted to be alone for a day to relax from all of the stress of catching up.

Leon lived alone in a shitty apartment, it wasn't worn down, smelly, or not functional, it was just cramped and disorganized with the cheapest of appliances. However, that was all Leon needed, he was a broke ass eighteen year old orphan with a nine to five job, what more could he need. His apartment was practically empty, a shell. He also had no real silverware, just paper and plastic because he doesn't feel like doing dishes. Now that he thought about it, he remembered he graduated high school before the catastrophe, but that was all his mind could muster. Leon still had no recollection of the event and the matters that took place before, but why? He sustained no trauma of any kind, it was like he was magically placed into a coma, with memories intentionally altered. If this was the case, who or what did it and why?

All of this thinking made Leon's head pound. Shhhhh he told himself. He ended the brain noise that was keeping him awake. He then prepared a hot bath, he couldn't afford a hot tub and this was the next best thing. After relaxing and getting to bed he passed out.

L******* a cry screamed out to him in a dream. The name was inaudible but he knew it was him. He saw himself in a completely different surrounding, something that resembled a mideval battlefield. One thing was for sure, he was losing. With all of his power and his might he could do nothing, falling over useless watching countless people being lambs to the slaughter. A voice was heard, "I can give you what you need, let me handle it." He gave into these words and was surrounded by black flames...

Leon woke up in a panic, he wasn't even safe in his own mind, he couldn't relax in his own bed in his own home.

What was that, memories? No, his subconscious definitely made a horror fest from the information overload he received that day.

Leon struggled to fall asleep so he decided to stay awake. He turned on the TV only to see that the world was in chaos. Abilities people received from "The Eclipse" has caused crime to go up on both sides of the spectrum. Fear mongering zealots were stating the end is near and that "The Rapture" is coming, telling people to repent while they still can. Time storm deaths were also in the news along with many serial killings all showing targets towards the neck.

Christ this all seems like a damn teen action/horror movie, like what the actual fuck.

Leon saw opportunity with this string of events. He could pretend to have an ability and create his own agency to help deter it. After all, he can come up with something vague like increased reaction time or some shit and prove it by standing in the time rain, because someone without an ability was never documented to be immune to the effects of the rain.

I'm a fucking genious...

Overnight, Leon's apartment transformed from a cramped living space to a cramped office, kind of.

Later that morning Leon went to the local library to create posters and business cards, he put the cards on the counters of local stores and the posters wherever there was room on the streets.
After his hard work Leon went home and crashed, two sleepless days does take it's toll


It was three weeks later until Leon received his first call, before that any phone call he got was either dome sort of scam or a telemarketer. He remembered no friends or anything of that matter. He tried contacting people that went to his school through Facebook but there was no luck. Whenever he tried to contact any of his colleagues from work he'd be ignored too. He was essentially friendless, which didn't bother him. He liked do things alone, he enjoyed the quiet. At least, that's what he told himself.

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