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When Leonardo woke he knew nothing. Where was he? What happened? Why can't I remember anything? These were the questions that plagued his mind. He got up with ease and wandered out his room however, he did not get very far without a nurse spotting him. He was urgently rushed back to his hospital bed by the nurse who then called for assistance. Leon asked, "What's going on, am I in trouble, what happened?" The questions flew out of his mouth as fast as fire devours earth.

"You are not in any kind of trouble Mr. Leon, you were in a coma for three months presumably from "The Eclipse," we are just worried for your well-being."

Three damn months, fuck that was a long time to be out, more importantly what was "The Eclipse?"

Many thoughts flooded his head as the shock he experienced was clearly evident with the contorted look of his pale face. Still scatterbrained as ever, he muttered then stumbled on his words, "uhhhh..." but before he could formulate a single word a doctor and two other assistants entered the room.

"Mr. Leon! How are you feeling? I am Doctor Johnson..." the doctor continued his greeting

Leon enamored in his own thoughts...geez what a generic name, what's his first name, James?

"...but you can call me James."

Called it, what a basic ass common name...

"I'm feeling quite fine, I just really want to know what happened," Leon said in a annoyed monotone voice.

"One thing at a time Leon, we need to make sure your okay before we...

Fucking jackass...

...get you up to speed. We'll need to do a few tests and examinations to make sure you are fine and normal. When your ready we'll go out the door and take a right to the elevator and move to the testing/examining area to complete the process as quickly as possible.

"Fine," Leon said now very irritated...

By the time the tests concluded Leon was fuming, his itching questions breaking out from underneath his skin. "You appear to be in perfect health, the muscles didn't atrophy either so you will not need physical therapy..."

No shit Sherlock, stop rambling on...

"...we'll now get someone to update you on the events of the world. We did not want make you unrest or worsen your health if something was afflicting you. We have a specialist on the history of "The Eclipse" and its effects on our society...

That's a thing?

"...we have someone like that here because there are many patients here that have been effected by the catastrophe awake or asleep."
Two quick knocks followed the specialist's entrance to the room, he was a tall man with long black hair and skin almost as white as paper. "Hello, I am Dr. Zoltis van der Heim, I am here to get you up to speed with the current world. Firstly, 'The Eclipse,' we do not know exactly what it was or how it happened, but a large black mass materialized over New York City however, it was high enough it the sky to veil the sun for almost all that viewed it, giving it the name 'Eclipse.' Many strange things happened that day, before "The Eclipse" happened, the sky turned to a dark crimson fast and then it was just there like something from an apocalypse movie." This "Eclipse" was also later found to be emitting some sort of energy that could not be traced on computers however, it can be felt. The feeling it gave of was that of intense pressure. It did emit something visible though, black inextinguishable flames. The flames are still burning today, as New York City is now a smoldering city of ruin enveloped by these flames and has been given the name, "The Black Spot." These flames aren't spreading or expanding, just stagnant and ever burning. Everyone in the city was lost, those outside the city limits weren't very lucky either and I here that's where you were found. Anyways, people contracted an incurable pathogen known as "The Black Sun Plague." This disease was found in people that didn't somehow die from the flames, turning their veins black, driving them into madness, making the remainder of their life anguish. There is also a new weather phenomena taking the world by storm..."

"Really, a pun in the middle of your monologue about the devastation of 'The Eclipse' a supposed catastrophe, " said Leon in an angered tone.

"Listen, it was a catastrophe and I do not have to tell you anything. I am doing a service by making you laugh, and entertaining you with the knowledge of the new world..."

I didn't laugh and I'm certainly not entertained...

"I could have just walked outside and asked a random passerby for insight on the street, hell I might just..."

Leon was interrupted, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. We are in the middle of a time storm that I was going to explain before you interrupted my 'monologue.' A time storm effects organic matter, rapidly aging an individual, plant, and etc. sometimes killing those it comes in contact with howev-"

Leon stuck his head out the window, "seems like normal rain to me," Leon said disappointed

"I think we may need to have you checked again," the doctor Zoltis said annoyed. "Anyways, another thing I was going to mention before I was interrupted AGAIN was the fact that there are those immune to the effects of the rain. Some people received special abilities from the event, these people were also immune to the rain however, only one out of every fifteen to twenty people have an ability."

"That's great and all, but I don't have an ability..." Leon would have spoke more but the doctor decided to beat him at his own game.

"Most people see their abilities manifest immediately, you could be an anomaly, you don't seem like anything special to me. Your only 'God given' gift is your knack for annoyance, insurmountable stupidity, incessant complaining, and your dreadful combination of rude and vulgar behavior."

"Fuck you too asswipe," said Leon irately.

"Watch the language," Zoltis retorted.

The Unforgiven: Black Sunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن